Monday, January 9, 2012

Military/Warfare News

21st Century warfare its an electronic warfare

Electronic warfare is synonymous with any media operation directed in any form through media with physical hardware, sufficient content and perception would be lethal that’s what 21st century warfare is all about says Roberto di Vettimo.


4th Estate

Today’s warfare more a information warfare, electronic warfare while Roberto Scotto di Vettimo flying officer working for Italian airforce and expert on electronic warfare, speaking on the occasion of first AOC India National Electronic Warfare Workshop Bangalore said “any media operation directed in any form through physical hardware, sufficient content and perception would be lethal that’s what 21st century warfare is moreover an electronic warfare.

While Electronic warfare is not new, collecting information through information points be it sensors, various communications mediums , processing and giving command is what these warfare made of, it is advanced medium to wage war at any possible time and under different scenarios.

Whereas behaviour of the enemy, diplomacy, propaganda education ,media relation, spoofing, imitation, distortion, deception are principal aspect of these warfare.

Vettimo said “while there was much information with US agency to avert 9/11 twin tower terrorist attack, probably most of the data though was available was not used by them according to the requirement.

“So you must have sufficient information and not think within the box when averting the war, navies , armies, airforce, civilian defence organization working within homeland security in any country must operate under joint and combined operation while sharing information, passing commands at right time , should have sound technology and upgraded technology from time to time.

When asked about the kind of operation you would favour within net centric electronic warfare as much of the warfare is wage within network architecture he commented “ I take into consideration both strategic operation where I take long term objective while setting goals, but tactical operation what is in the ground is what on basis which end result is determined.

Commenting on the outcome of recent warfare which NATO forces jointly waged in Afghanistan he said there was wide asymmetric threats with forces in Afghanistan, which we were not able to be perceived initially, but because we had good surveillance system efficient Radar.

Since it was used within electro - magnetic spectrum, with signal transformation, and command given to one central commander who was able to take the input, was within minutes able to exchange information from the source where information emanated, he was simultaneously able to reprogram, deliver co-ordinating with ground forces, air force and navy .

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