4th Estate
Art is not for art sake , but there is utilitarian aspect to art and that’s what Dutch art designers has shown art is of utilitarian value.
In the Dutch art exhibits or sculpture there is what called creativity at highest level, not to denyIn most of the art when one is going through, one can see how one is ‘engaging in design thinking’ and thereby intelligently and responsibly face the future we all share.
Dutch designers, their art exhibits has something else also to convince the observer and very ,much present artist need to focus that is to look for ‘fundamental requirement’ and ‘sustainable development’ in the art they develop,.
‘Use less resources’ means use recycle and reusable material, and the design art that will have utilitarian aspect in the sense that those art which are prototype if carried in large scale is very much utilitarian aspect
“The objectives that is display were designed by dutch designers and here they saw the relevance of the designed art, as not just art of designed artefact.
“But something ‘an idea whose time has come’ they are the one designed by artist where the utilitarian aspect is very much seen, be it flying lite.
“Infracore bridge, strand bicycle, open living to name the main exhibits of dutch exhibition, with 15 other exhibit known under ‘Connecting the Concepts” that is under which the exhibition is known as” said Ed Van Hinte Curator of exhibit at Chitra Kala Parishat of ‘Connecting Concepts’.
‘Connecting Concepts’ initiative of Premsala-the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion, Netherlands Architecture Institute and Design Co-operation Brainport; and is part of the Dutch Fashion and Architecture Program.
The Dutch exhibition under the name “Connecting Concepts’ has already been held at Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chennai and now it is being held in Bangalore, it is sponsored by Netherland Ministry of Art, Culture in co-operation with Indian ministry department of art and culture.
The designed prototype art exhibit of Francois Geuskens, and Zeger van der Voet designed will if come into reality, will change the way civil aviation is seen, however Delft University of Technology is working on a 300-passenger airliner.
Francois Geuskens explaining on his designed flite said “That will be about 55 percent more fuel efficient than today’s planes. The flight will be known for better aerodynamics, more efficient engines, lighter structure, an improved shape.
“The most novel feature of the flite will be carbon- reinforced polymers, which the body will made of, that infact will make flite lighter, the passenger in this plane will travel in a cabin shaped like an air mattress.

Geuskens added “developing the plane in reality will require another 30 years and require input from many organisations, still it is likely to be a reality sooner or later.
What will be future bridge look like have you thought about it that will be laid across the river, stream must be in such a way that in times of flood, it has to be seen it is not damaged, with much other advantages.
But what is designed art of Infracore Inside bridge designed by Fibercore Europe Ltd has all the attribute to be called a bridge of the future, which can be placed wherever you wish to place it.
The bridge can be put on the big truck and can be carried with ease, Ed Van Hinte curator explaining about the prototype of the bridge said “though what you are seeing is a prototype of the bridge, this bridge some 200 odd are already in place in Netherlands.
“This bridge has been tested and approved for handling the same kind of loads, it is ten times stronger than steel or concrete, and going by environment aspect of this bridge, it is environmentally sound.
“Means carbon footprint is three times smaller, making it much less of a burden to environment than its conventional counterpart, and its other importance is that it needs no maintenance and can last very long.
“After serving for a limited period of time, this bridge can moved to a different location and keep on functioning. Amsterdam the capital of Netherlands is so called ‘bicycle city’ also in other words known as ‘car free city’ but here is dutch designer of Strand bicycle has shown how smart bicycle would look like.
“Any innovation in bicycle should surely happens in the dutch city of Amsterdam, and to say the least the bicycle designed is high-tech industrially produced bicycles with carbon fibre-reinforced wheels” said Tjeerd Veenhoven who had designed this bicycle.
“ If you look at principles of composites; they are not materials, but refined structures, functionally designed combination of material ingredients..
What is the best architectural designed house in squeezing the space and see that dwelling is then you need to look into dutch architect and art designer Ms Nanne de Ru designed house.
Curator Ed Van Hinte explaining about the masterpiece architectural marvel said “ All spaces are designed to certain specifications, with regulations.
“The spaces are arranged to benefit from daylight according to their function, going by the prototype of the structure one would get to know of regulations prescribing of the maximum amount of the floor space, the main living space sits atop a darker, heavier basement.
“One wing contains a garage, and the other two a master bedroom and a guest room respectively. The ground floor having no apparent structural façade, one sees only glass, fitted neatly into hidden frames.
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