There would be good coffee production this year, with favourable rain, “the post blossom production coffee this year according our estimate would be placed around 3,22,250 metric tonnes” said Jawaid Akthar Chairman of Coffee Board, Bangalore
“With good rain the target we had set in last year that we will reach the 3.22 lakh Metric Tonnes (MT) that will be reached”
Mentioning about the record export last year “exported quality of coffee during last year was 2,90,394 MT, while the coffee growers were happy for this reason, that was because of the

“And reason for securing good prices this year ,would be good opening stocks and this was optimistic outlook for Indian coffee even”
In his 30 minutes speech he mentioned of the of the global scenario of the coffee by mentioning “of year cycle in Brazil and production set backs in Columbia, Indonesia” whereby it might “result in the reduction of coffee by 3 percent”
On the consumption pattern it has increased “with consumption increasing in coffee growing region itself” with increase see in “Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and India as well as in the new markets like China, South Korea etc.,
While he expressed displeasure which many planters have expressed where timely work in coffee estate could not be completed on time like “shortage of workers” said Akhtar while addressing the gathering after inaugurating the conference organised by United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) jointly with Karnataka Planters Association (KPA) at Atria Hotel Bangalore.
Also present at the inaugural function Mr Sahadev Balakrishna, Chairman Karnataka Planters Association (KPA), D. Hegde President of UPASI,
The one day conference had experts like Ms Sunalini Menon CEO, Coffee Labs Pvt Ltd, Bangalroe, C.L.N Rao Head of Agronomy Department, Netafim, India, Ms Christine F.Jamal Vice President Tata Coffee Ltd,.
Who would be speaking on the various aspect of coffee starting with Coffee estate branding and micro lots of Coffee, drip nutrigation in Coffee plantation the Brazilian experience, the plantation trails experience.
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