Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Health News

Man brought from brink of coma

First deep brain stimulation conducted in India, BGS Global Hospital brought back person from stage of comatose to normality


Hit with bullet, man survives but brain was completely damaged with bullet piercing from front al side cortex, thalamus and came out from the right side of the neck.

We are talking of Bavel Fatih Mohammed hailing from As-Sulaymaniyah Northern Iraq it was BGS Global Hospital came to his rescue.

This bullet hit him when he was 2 years old, now 19 years the boy had suffering, and unbearable pain.

Hospitalised in local hospital in Iraq, however during past 7 months he was in comatose, his condition was marked by disability, with no ability to walk, condition

Not able to walk in the first place, with abnormal position, hand bent backward, walking mostly on toes

The movement of his right hand also further interfered with the use of left hand including eating. He could not use the right hand at all for any meaningful activity. He also had difficulty in opening both eyes.

“ It is the most challenging of the cases, and this patient now was able to lead normal life, but to study the brain which was affected by bullet injury was significant.

“And what we tried in it Deep Brain Stimulation said Dr N.K Venkatramana Chief Neurosurgeon BGS Global Hospitals.

“Brain stimulation however can be done, but first what we need to find is to identify which part of the brain was injured seriously, bleeding is happening.

“And here under post operative programming electrode is made to move inside brain, the electrode with different voltages under controlled programming help us to identify the area, with voltage variation to identify the right area, where the brain need to be treated, all happen through the good programming.

The case the BGS Global hospital is dealing with is clear dystonia resulting from gunshot and the case to deal with is the rarest when dealing with Bavel case, this is first time in India doctors tried to find an answer, and see person lead normal life tried by an Indian doctor in Bangalore in India.

As of BGS hospital staff are closely monitoring the Bavel and for next six weeks he will be monitored.

But now what the authorities in BGS doctors who have handled me has to say especially Dr N.K Venaktramana is that he can stand straight and put his right foot on ground,

His gait is improved. better balance, he is opening eyes, what is astonishing is that for first time The right hand has become straighter, the odd backward movement being nearly corrected.
While BGS hospital sources have not been responded to the cost involved in this brain stimulation, while declining to comment.

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