Eminent citizens of Bangalore petition Chief Minister seeking investigations into BBMP false bills scam
4th Estate
Taking note on the reports about the Rs.1,500 crores fake bills scam in BBMP, prominent citizens of Bangalore have a signed a petition urging Chief Minister Shri D.V.Sadananda Gowda to order an independent and time bound investigations into the reports of misappropriation through fake bills.
In their petition, it was noted that the allegations and blatant looting of BBMP are shocking – especially in the context of the city’s decline in basic services and standard of living for its residents being constantly justified as being due to lack of funds.
The petition also said Bangalore has suffered enough immensely and the time has come to clean up of our city of these vested interests that are like parasites living off the hard work of millions of honest and taxpaying citizens.
Prominent among those who signed the petition to save the city are veteran freedom fighter Shri H S Doraiswamy, Mr. A.T.Ramaswamy, Rashtrakavi Dr GS Shivarudrappa, Dr UR Ananth Murthy, leading social worker Dr Ruth Manorama of Women’s Voice, Padma Shree Smt Anita Reddy of AVAS, Dr. Ashwin Mahesh, Mr RK Misra.
Other leading activists who joined hands seeking investigations against BBMP include Dr Meenakshi Bharath, Dr Shankar Prasad of Sampoorna Swaraj Foundation, RTI activist Mr JSD Pani, politicians such as Mr Krishna, former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly and Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament.
Several organizations who signed the petition include Public Affairs Centre, Swabhimana, Association for Voluntary Action and Service (AVAS), Consumer Rights Education and Awareness Trust (CREAT), Consumer Care Society, Karuna Trust, National Federation of Indian Women, Mahiti Hakku Jagruti Vedike, Mahiti Hakku Adhyayana Kendra, Brashtachara Virodhi Ranga, Jayaprakash Narayan Vichara Vedike, Fight Corruption NOW Forum, Consumer Rights Education and Awareness Trust, TRUTH and Corruption SAAKU.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Gender News
Transgender have something to feel happy about
4th Estate
When trans genders are looking to find solace, help them in empowerment, it is Initiatives for Development Foundation (IDF) who have come to their empowerment.
“IDF stands on empowerment of the underprivileged, but the most humanitarian work carried by IDF of late need mention as to transgender, and help IDF sought from Sangama and Samara who helped in identifying this transgender.
“We sought the help of Sangama and Samara in identifying the transgenders, numbering around 2,000 (rough estimate) in Bangalore city whose main resort of the work being begging and offering sexual service and see that they get empowered either through various program under IDF” said M.S Govinda Rajan project executive IDF said.
When asked with Rajan about how IDF has come to help of this transgender he said “ IDF under various program outlined for the transgender is trying to educate the transgender, also giving them training on the cooking, catering helping them set up hotels,
“Provide them skills so that see that they are employed in garment factory, and those interested to get self employed provide them financial help they will be helped in providing loan through microfinance institution, as of now we have provided to some 200 families this loan under IDF microfinance institutions services”.
Sangama and Samara role in upliftment of transgender
While government is known for making promise, they have never kept the promise so far in anything, but we have identified some of this transgender.
It is Samara by itself though, aimed to identify itself, while Sangama fought for rights of transgenders, Samara is for ensuring better health, ensuring in educating the transgender.
“What is the best way to help them this transgender and in Samara we identified those who are needing health based help and counseling.
“The sexual counseling and educations is the key for this transgender community who are in one way or the other are afflicted by sexual transmitted disease, so what we have tried in is we provide them contraceptive to prevent any disease that they will be afflicted if they don’t care.
“Our efforts are also directed at educating the transgender who are numbering around 20,000 in Karnataka State, we also want to provide them legal counseling when they are caught in any embroiligo” said Ms Eluthivai Manohar Director Samara.
Ms Manohar on the government efforts towards transgender “We transgender are hardly been recognized, we asked some of the things to be set right by government that is getting us listed under BC1(A) category, where we could have claimed for some privileges, usually claimed by backward communities.
“But what about the other promise made by government that those above 40 years in and being transgender they will be given Rs 400, but is it is hardly reached this transgender?
But then coming to loan they said loan will be provided to them, if we approach, but then when we approach, they said no loan for transgenders is no where reaching..
4th Estate
When trans genders are looking to find solace, help them in empowerment, it is Initiatives for Development Foundation (IDF) who have come to their empowerment.
“IDF stands on empowerment of the underprivileged, but the most humanitarian work carried by IDF of late need mention as to transgender, and help IDF sought from Sangama and Samara who helped in identifying this transgender.
“We sought the help of Sangama and Samara in identifying the transgenders, numbering around 2,000 (rough estimate) in Bangalore city whose main resort of the work being begging and offering sexual service and see that they get empowered either through various program under IDF” said M.S Govinda Rajan project executive IDF said.
When asked with Rajan about how IDF has come to help of this transgender he said “ IDF under various program outlined for the transgender is trying to educate the transgender, also giving them training on the cooking, catering helping them set up hotels,
“Provide them skills so that see that they are employed in garment factory, and those interested to get self employed provide them financial help they will be helped in providing loan through microfinance institution, as of now we have provided to some 200 families this loan under IDF microfinance institutions services”.
Sangama and Samara role in upliftment of transgender
While government is known for making promise, they have never kept the promise so far in anything, but we have identified some of this transgender.
It is Samara by itself though, aimed to identify itself, while Sangama fought for rights of transgenders, Samara is for ensuring better health, ensuring in educating the transgender.
“What is the best way to help them this transgender and in Samara we identified those who are needing health based help and counseling.
“The sexual counseling and educations is the key for this transgender community who are in one way or the other are afflicted by sexual transmitted disease, so what we have tried in is we provide them contraceptive to prevent any disease that they will be afflicted if they don’t care.
“Our efforts are also directed at educating the transgender who are numbering around 20,000 in Karnataka State, we also want to provide them legal counseling when they are caught in any embroiligo” said Ms Eluthivai Manohar Director Samara.
Ms Manohar on the government efforts towards transgender “We transgender are hardly been recognized, we asked some of the things to be set right by government that is getting us listed under BC1(A) category, where we could have claimed for some privileges, usually claimed by backward communities.
“But what about the other promise made by government that those above 40 years in and being transgender they will be given Rs 400, but is it is hardly reached this transgender?
But then coming to loan they said loan will be provided to them, if we approach, but then when we approach, they said no loan for transgenders is no where reaching..
City News-City Issues
Thinking of setting right of urban environment, citizen participation is a must : YS Yellappa Reddy
Environmentalist and Chief Advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee chairman YS Yellappa Reddy, also former IFS officer, speaking on the occasion of improving ‘Urban Environment in the city’
4th Estate
Yellappa Reddy having initiated various activities regarding to improving urban space in the city regarding parks and open spaces, natural valleys, lakes, roadside tree planting,, growing natural plants, green belt, reduction of air and noise pollution, in the city.
According to Reddy while master plan for the city provide for 10% space to be allocated for parks, what is available is only 7.5%, while BBMP parks are left unattended as to maintenance of cleaning.
Reddy said “those person in the surrounding area wherein the locality park is there must take initiative and through group or community initiative they must take up it maintenance, parks are required for people to walk, jog, and exercise.
When asked about the proposed idea suggested as advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee about proposed park development taking into consideration of most of park being neglected
Reddy answered “to be simple, I am not suggesting large parks but small parks mostly ‘tree parks’ which I initiated to be in Bangalore University campus, when I was Chief Advisor to Bangalore University , these tree park all came because some in NSS volunteered to have such park.
Reddy proposed to say parks must remain as parks, while children play there is need of playground for children, while law say’s that in each area minimum of five acres must remain as playground area, for children in age group of 6-14 years in for the physical development, when they need to play and go merry around.
But see what is happening ? poor childrens they are playing in roads, vacant spaces and terraces, so when urban infrastructure is well planned playground should be well considered.
Bangalore previously known for good number of lakes with 144 lakes in BBMP area, in the green belt of Bangalore metropolitan area, there are 81 live tanks and 262 lakes, as of now these lakes need to be improved to charge ground water and to improve environment.
While most of the sewage is diverted to the lakes which may or may not be in low lying, as part of initiative and being advisor, which I have suggested to Lake development authority that is under ‘unique water system’ sewage must be treated and then left to recharge for lakes, with ground acquifiers then this must supplied to localities, as time passes ground water level may soon be depleted.
Reddy said “that all resident building apartment, there is need to make mandatory for them to use only recharged, recycled water sourced through lakes, by this people will care for lakes.
“While there is heap of garbage disposal, in tons which most being devoured , sometimes unattended, huge task is left to clean up which you can and neighbours always coming with complaint one idea which apartment dwellers in Diamond district of HAL have been following for quite sometime is really astounding.
These dwellers who are known for deep civic sense segregate the disposal, by these much of the work and cost which goes in later segregation will be avoided and the women who involve in segregation are earning Rs 7,000/ to Rs.8,000 per month.
As these are segregated under defined parameters, plastic and other goes for recycling by which percentage of income is generated and used by apartment dwellers, these is one of good example of civic participation.
When asked about any similar urban initiative taken in any district of the state Reddy said “ last week I happened to attend one Lok Adalat in Mysore for which I am member, where district commissioner, CEO took part, we called on official to initiate similar waste disposal measures, sewage treatment.
We members of the Lok adalat said if any authorities within your jurisdiction never pay heed whether you don’t act , people have complained to us , right is there to file affidavit in high court under Article -40 and 21 where anybody can get justice under right to life, good hygiene.
Environmentalist and Chief Advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee chairman YS Yellappa Reddy, also former IFS officer, speaking on the occasion of improving ‘Urban Environment in the city’
4th Estate
Yellappa Reddy having initiated various activities regarding to improving urban space in the city regarding parks and open spaces, natural valleys, lakes, roadside tree planting,, growing natural plants, green belt, reduction of air and noise pollution, in the city.
According to Reddy while master plan for the city provide for 10% space to be allocated for parks, what is available is only 7.5%, while BBMP parks are left unattended as to maintenance of cleaning.
Reddy said “those person in the surrounding area wherein the locality park is there must take initiative and through group or community initiative they must take up it maintenance, parks are required for people to walk, jog, and exercise.
When asked about the proposed idea suggested as advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee about proposed park development taking into consideration of most of park being neglected
Reddy answered “to be simple, I am not suggesting large parks but small parks mostly ‘tree parks’ which I initiated to be in Bangalore University campus, when I was Chief Advisor to Bangalore University , these tree park all came because some in NSS volunteered to have such park.
Reddy proposed to say parks must remain as parks, while children play there is need of playground for children, while law say’s that in each area minimum of five acres must remain as playground area, for children in age group of 6-14 years in for the physical development, when they need to play and go merry around.
But see what is happening ? poor childrens they are playing in roads, vacant spaces and terraces, so when urban infrastructure is well planned playground should be well considered.
Bangalore previously known for good number of lakes with 144 lakes in BBMP area, in the green belt of Bangalore metropolitan area, there are 81 live tanks and 262 lakes, as of now these lakes need to be improved to charge ground water and to improve environment.
While most of the sewage is diverted to the lakes which may or may not be in low lying, as part of initiative and being advisor, which I have suggested to Lake development authority that is under ‘unique water system’ sewage must be treated and then left to recharge for lakes, with ground acquifiers then this must supplied to localities, as time passes ground water level may soon be depleted.
Reddy said “that all resident building apartment, there is need to make mandatory for them to use only recharged, recycled water sourced through lakes, by this people will care for lakes.
“While there is heap of garbage disposal, in tons which most being devoured , sometimes unattended, huge task is left to clean up which you can and neighbours always coming with complaint one idea which apartment dwellers in Diamond district of HAL have been following for quite sometime is really astounding.
These dwellers who are known for deep civic sense segregate the disposal, by these much of the work and cost which goes in later segregation will be avoided and the women who involve in segregation are earning Rs 7,000/ to Rs.8,000 per month.
As these are segregated under defined parameters, plastic and other goes for recycling by which percentage of income is generated and used by apartment dwellers, these is one of good example of civic participation.
When asked about any similar urban initiative taken in any district of the state Reddy said “ last week I happened to attend one Lok Adalat in Mysore for which I am member, where district commissioner, CEO took part, we called on official to initiate similar waste disposal measures, sewage treatment.
We members of the Lok adalat said if any authorities within your jurisdiction never pay heed whether you don’t act , people have complained to us , right is there to file affidavit in high court under Article -40 and 21 where anybody can get justice under right to life, good hygiene.
Now it is Metro for Bangaloreans but get set for a joy ride in cable way very shortly.
There is plan proposal with government to introduce cable way or rope way as efficient alternative public transportation system in Banngalore says Prof N. Sreehari Advisor to government on transportation, infrastructure, traffic
4th Estate
Teta –A Tete with M.N Sreehari advisor to government of Karnataka on traffic, transportation and infrastructure also CEO of the Consortia of Infrastructure Engineers, Bangalore on his views and vision for Bangalore city as regard to placing efficient public transportation, infrastructure for the city.
What are the area which need to be taken up where administrators for the Bangalore city have neglected? Which you as advisor to the government in area of traffic, transportation and infrastructure do suggest for improvement?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Administrators and planners should focus on infrastructure development like transport, power, water, buildings etc, as is has been neglected since long time, though always they claim that they have taken care. Perhaps this development will lead Bangalore to compete globally and emerge as leading city of the world.
Will mass rapid transport system like metro, and public transport services will help to reduce traffic congestion, traffic woes?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Bangalore city requires multi modal integrated sustainable transport to meet the transport demand and supply.
In this direction, Metro, Mono, Light rail transit, Commuter rail, high capacity buses on dedicated lanes, high speed rail etc, are some of the modes which will have to be integrated so as to meet the present and future transportation requirement.
Together with this to relieve the congestion, road pricing congestion tax will have to be introduced in CBD areas except for mass transport system. One has to see the futuristic transport system with innovative technologies and alternate fuel run vehicles as conventional fuel get exhausted in the year 2040
How can the city been taken next level of being called itself ‘ fastest eco-friendly city of the 21st century’ how can this be achieved?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Considering pollution as the big threat to health perspective of road user and citizen, there is a need to look beyond for a type of vehicle which occupy less space, environmental and eco friendly higher capacity faster and safe transport system for this century as well as for the coming years.
How do you rate the attitude of people of the city, whether it need to be changed, this is with regard to apathy on the major segment of population clearly seen, with common people demanding best service but not complaining?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Whatever system introduced it is to be noted that is for the public and the society.
Until and unless, public are well aware and the know the responsibilities to take it forward, then only the desired goal can be achieved.
In Bangalore, most of the traffic violations are made by educated people which in turn responsible for collecting Rs 38 crores as fines. It is very important that road user must follow traffic rules, regulation irrespective of the time frame (day or night).
According to experts in urban planning or so called urban managers push and pull being the main factor for much of the inflow of people from many places to city like Bangalore has created chaos, just give your view?
Prof M.N Sreehari :It is believed that about 5-8 lakh people come to Bangalore city daily either for business or any other kind of activities and add up to Bangalore already existing population.
However no one will deny that, if push from village or smaller towns to city like Bangalore has to stemmed, administrators, politicians, even entrepreneur must create opportunities for the youth, the educated and, if there are uneducated youth for them also.
So better one should not complain about chaos, instead must find how this chaos evolved, originated and see that it is set right.
What is the new mode of transport do you suggest for the city if there are alternative other than bus service, metro, is there any likelihood of you suggesting government to introduce mono rail ? Your views on that?
Prof M.N Sreehari: While suggestion has come to introduce mono rail, government is still thinking of it, whether to introduce it or not, probably if they introduce it is only in few destination, but not sure about it.
But I have suggested government to introduce cable way, probably as alternative to public transportation like bus service, metro, and the plans and papers are with government to introduce cable way.
And according to our plan proposal submitted to government initially cable way will be introduced in Old airport road, West of Cord road, Bannerghatta road, and Kanakapura road.
As of now the cost of introducing it for just 1 km is Rs 20 crore, if the rope way or cable way under the very same MISTER-PRT technology USA if it wanted to be introduced.
But one thing is assured compared to any other public transportation such as metro or monorail, the time gap to finish of laying down of pin and rope will not be more than 3 months if you consider for just 10 kms of laying it.
It is the most efficient means of carrying people with 10 carriageway where at one time more than 700 to 1000 people can be carried , environmentally friendly with present traffic chaos it is best option with interconnectivity best established linking shopping places, airport,
The cable way popularly known as Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on Elevated Rail (MISTER), MISTER popularly known has been successful in Poland, it has been successfully operating in Poland in the city of Opole .
Sreehari said “During my last visit to the Opole city, MISTER Public Rapid Transport (PRT) MISTER -PRT the company which has derived the very name under MISTER-PRT has taken interest to introduce the same service in developing countries like India.
So it is thought by me why not suggest asking government in Karnataka to be introduced the same service in city like Bangalore.
There is plan proposal with government to introduce cable way or rope way as efficient alternative public transportation system in Banngalore says Prof N. Sreehari Advisor to government on transportation, infrastructure, traffic
4th Estate
Teta –A Tete with M.N Sreehari advisor to government of Karnataka on traffic, transportation and infrastructure also CEO of the Consortia of Infrastructure Engineers, Bangalore on his views and vision for Bangalore city as regard to placing efficient public transportation, infrastructure for the city.
What are the area which need to be taken up where administrators for the Bangalore city have neglected? Which you as advisor to the government in area of traffic, transportation and infrastructure do suggest for improvement?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Administrators and planners should focus on infrastructure development like transport, power, water, buildings etc, as is has been neglected since long time, though always they claim that they have taken care. Perhaps this development will lead Bangalore to compete globally and emerge as leading city of the world.
Will mass rapid transport system like metro, and public transport services will help to reduce traffic congestion, traffic woes?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Bangalore city requires multi modal integrated sustainable transport to meet the transport demand and supply.
In this direction, Metro, Mono, Light rail transit, Commuter rail, high capacity buses on dedicated lanes, high speed rail etc, are some of the modes which will have to be integrated so as to meet the present and future transportation requirement.
Together with this to relieve the congestion, road pricing congestion tax will have to be introduced in CBD areas except for mass transport system. One has to see the futuristic transport system with innovative technologies and alternate fuel run vehicles as conventional fuel get exhausted in the year 2040
How can the city been taken next level of being called itself ‘ fastest eco-friendly city of the 21st century’ how can this be achieved?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Considering pollution as the big threat to health perspective of road user and citizen, there is a need to look beyond for a type of vehicle which occupy less space, environmental and eco friendly higher capacity faster and safe transport system for this century as well as for the coming years.
How do you rate the attitude of people of the city, whether it need to be changed, this is with regard to apathy on the major segment of population clearly seen, with common people demanding best service but not complaining?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Whatever system introduced it is to be noted that is for the public and the society.
Until and unless, public are well aware and the know the responsibilities to take it forward, then only the desired goal can be achieved.
In Bangalore, most of the traffic violations are made by educated people which in turn responsible for collecting Rs 38 crores as fines. It is very important that road user must follow traffic rules, regulation irrespective of the time frame (day or night).
According to experts in urban planning or so called urban managers push and pull being the main factor for much of the inflow of people from many places to city like Bangalore has created chaos, just give your view?
Prof M.N Sreehari :It is believed that about 5-8 lakh people come to Bangalore city daily either for business or any other kind of activities and add up to Bangalore already existing population.
However no one will deny that, if push from village or smaller towns to city like Bangalore has to stemmed, administrators, politicians, even entrepreneur must create opportunities for the youth, the educated and, if there are uneducated youth for them also.
So better one should not complain about chaos, instead must find how this chaos evolved, originated and see that it is set right.
What is the new mode of transport do you suggest for the city if there are alternative other than bus service, metro, is there any likelihood of you suggesting government to introduce mono rail ? Your views on that?
Prof M.N Sreehari: While suggestion has come to introduce mono rail, government is still thinking of it, whether to introduce it or not, probably if they introduce it is only in few destination, but not sure about it.
But I have suggested government to introduce cable way, probably as alternative to public transportation like bus service, metro, and the plans and papers are with government to introduce cable way.
And according to our plan proposal submitted to government initially cable way will be introduced in Old airport road, West of Cord road, Bannerghatta road, and Kanakapura road.
As of now the cost of introducing it for just 1 km is Rs 20 crore, if the rope way or cable way under the very same MISTER-PRT technology USA if it wanted to be introduced.
But one thing is assured compared to any other public transportation such as metro or monorail, the time gap to finish of laying down of pin and rope will not be more than 3 months if you consider for just 10 kms of laying it.
It is the most efficient means of carrying people with 10 carriageway where at one time more than 700 to 1000 people can be carried , environmentally friendly with present traffic chaos it is best option with interconnectivity best established linking shopping places, airport,
The cable way popularly known as Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on Elevated Rail (MISTER), MISTER popularly known has been successful in Poland, it has been successfully operating in Poland in the city of Opole .
Sreehari said “During my last visit to the Opole city, MISTER Public Rapid Transport (PRT) MISTER -PRT the company which has derived the very name under MISTER-PRT has taken interest to introduce the same service in developing countries like India.
So it is thought by me why not suggest asking government in Karnataka to be introduced the same service in city like Bangalore.
City News
Need to recharge ground water in Bangalore, water pollution is also concern
High level of water pollution and less area for water percolation is not favourable as to draw water from ground says a study carried by A.K Farooqui senior scientist at Central Water Board Commission, New Delhi
4th Estate
Farooqui who carried this taking help of BWSSB from 1996 till 2009 has given detail account to BWSSB, about what need to be taken in consideration as to restore and rejuvenate ground water in the city, with city needing to address shortage of water issue.
Farooqui in his study titled “Municipal waste disposal practices and their impact on ground water in Bangalore Metropolitan region” says “due to faulty disposal of municipal waste, non scientific nature of collection of this municipal waste, the ground water in the study area is getting polluted.
“What is the most concern is of highest concentration of nitrate with their content in ground water being at 554 mg/l, and it is known high concentration of nitrate being threat to human health causing Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, so good municipal waste collection and disposal management factor need to be taken by BBMP.
“However very-high pollution vulnerability category areas is seen in eastern half of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and Low pollution vulnerability areas are predominant in western and southern parts of Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
“The most striking aspect of the study of ground water also gives a note that even over exploitation of ground water beyond the excessible permit is worrying, it has to be seen how to recharge the ground water table.
This study was carried using Geographic Information System(GIS) ,and after which only Pollution Vulnerability Map and Zones were brought out for water body in the central, state government and public to see, and take future course of action.
However in making study Correlation Matrix factors different weightages, implying correctness of the data used and procedure followed, were carefully considered.
Though city receive 900 mm annual rainfall, rainfall pattern varies from a high of over 180 mm in October to less than 10mm in January, the heavy dependence of ground water, also having already drawn the water beyond the permissible limit, through dug well and bore wells.
On the other hand at lesser rate at which the ground water is recharging, is not positive sign for resident of the city, so what is the way out to recharge has to be looked out, with concrete on the ground, high rise building, with major part of the ground being occupied with this, where is the space for water to percolate to lower level ground water table, to recharge?
Farooqui though he has laid out few of workable solutions, and action plan is ready, to be submitted to BWSSB, this is what he has to say about the course of action water administration, supply distribution and policy making and management body in the state has to take into consideration.
And this are listed under 11 points
1. Water quality monitoring network should be strengthened and the data should be made available on the website. Important “factors” for quality may be derived to opt for preventive measures.
2. Recycling of sewage water should be encouraged for using non-domestic purposes and the slur can be used as manure.
3. The Land-fills and dumping sites should not be located in high vulnerability areas.
4. In the name of developmental activity, no water bodies should be utilized for any other purpose.
5. It is suggested to identify the small and tiny water bodies on 1:25,000 scale maps and these small and tiny water bodies should be utilized for artificial recharge to ground water system.
6. The existing dry dug wells and bore wells may also be used for diluting the Nitrate pollution.
7. The sewage should be collected and treated properly before letting it out into the drainage system, as it is going to pollute the less vulnerable areas to a maximum extent.
8. Leakage through sewer pipes should be controlled effectively. The quality of well waters in use should be checked periodically for chemical as well as bacteriological parameters.
9. Building byelaws should be suitably modified to include roof top rainwater harvesting in the house plan and it should be made mandatory to use tertiary treated water for non-potable purposes.
10. Attempts should be made to stop dug wells being used as dust bins to control pollution through this mode. Certain lakes should be utilized for rainwater harvesting and to recharge ground water system only.
11. Preventing pollution in urban areas is a public relations task also and hence, there is a need to educate people about proper waste disposal practices. Mass awareness programmes involving NGO groups and through print and electronic media will be very effective to get the message across.
High level of water pollution and less area for water percolation is not favourable as to draw water from ground says a study carried by A.K Farooqui senior scientist at Central Water Board Commission, New Delhi
4th Estate
Farooqui who carried this taking help of BWSSB from 1996 till 2009 has given detail account to BWSSB, about what need to be taken in consideration as to restore and rejuvenate ground water in the city, with city needing to address shortage of water issue.
Farooqui in his study titled “Municipal waste disposal practices and their impact on ground water in Bangalore Metropolitan region” says “due to faulty disposal of municipal waste, non scientific nature of collection of this municipal waste, the ground water in the study area is getting polluted.
“What is the most concern is of highest concentration of nitrate with their content in ground water being at 554 mg/l, and it is known high concentration of nitrate being threat to human health causing Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, so good municipal waste collection and disposal management factor need to be taken by BBMP.
“However very-high pollution vulnerability category areas is seen in eastern half of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and Low pollution vulnerability areas are predominant in western and southern parts of Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
“The most striking aspect of the study of ground water also gives a note that even over exploitation of ground water beyond the excessible permit is worrying, it has to be seen how to recharge the ground water table.
This study was carried using Geographic Information System(GIS) ,and after which only Pollution Vulnerability Map and Zones were brought out for water body in the central, state government and public to see, and take future course of action.
However in making study Correlation Matrix factors different weightages, implying correctness of the data used and procedure followed, were carefully considered.
Though city receive 900 mm annual rainfall, rainfall pattern varies from a high of over 180 mm in October to less than 10mm in January, the heavy dependence of ground water, also having already drawn the water beyond the permissible limit, through dug well and bore wells.
On the other hand at lesser rate at which the ground water is recharging, is not positive sign for resident of the city, so what is the way out to recharge has to be looked out, with concrete on the ground, high rise building, with major part of the ground being occupied with this, where is the space for water to percolate to lower level ground water table, to recharge?
Farooqui though he has laid out few of workable solutions, and action plan is ready, to be submitted to BWSSB, this is what he has to say about the course of action water administration, supply distribution and policy making and management body in the state has to take into consideration.
And this are listed under 11 points
1. Water quality monitoring network should be strengthened and the data should be made available on the website. Important “factors” for quality may be derived to opt for preventive measures.
2. Recycling of sewage water should be encouraged for using non-domestic purposes and the slur can be used as manure.
3. The Land-fills and dumping sites should not be located in high vulnerability areas.
4. In the name of developmental activity, no water bodies should be utilized for any other purpose.
5. It is suggested to identify the small and tiny water bodies on 1:25,000 scale maps and these small and tiny water bodies should be utilized for artificial recharge to ground water system.
6. The existing dry dug wells and bore wells may also be used for diluting the Nitrate pollution.
7. The sewage should be collected and treated properly before letting it out into the drainage system, as it is going to pollute the less vulnerable areas to a maximum extent.
8. Leakage through sewer pipes should be controlled effectively. The quality of well waters in use should be checked periodically for chemical as well as bacteriological parameters.
9. Building byelaws should be suitably modified to include roof top rainwater harvesting in the house plan and it should be made mandatory to use tertiary treated water for non-potable purposes.
10. Attempts should be made to stop dug wells being used as dust bins to control pollution through this mode. Certain lakes should be utilized for rainwater harvesting and to recharge ground water system only.
11. Preventing pollution in urban areas is a public relations task also and hence, there is a need to educate people about proper waste disposal practices. Mass awareness programmes involving NGO groups and through print and electronic media will be very effective to get the message across.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Fine Art News
Paintings highlighting the ills committed by human society
4th Estate
It is not ordinary paintings if it is looked from today’s societal context and his painting highlight about the issue raging the contemporary global society in which we everyone are part of it
Muralidahr V.Rathod acclaimed illustrator, cartoonist, and designer, and now painter who has reputation of having worked in major newspaper like Prajavani, Udayavani, Kannada Times and Vikranth Karnataka and gained enough insights on whole lot of contemporary art forms

4th Estate
It is not ordinary paintings if it is looked from today’s societal context and his painting highlight about the issue raging the contemporary global society in which we everyone are part of it
Muralidahr V.Rathod acclaimed illustrator, cartoonist, and designer, and now painter who has reputation of having worked in major newspaper like Prajavani, Udayavani, Kannada Times and Vikranth Karnataka and gained enough insights on whole lot of contemporary art forms

Rathod paintings exhibited at Venkatappa Art Galllery under the title “Headlines Once Again” last week had it all for every art lovers to see it take it global warming, the traffic hazards seen in present cities of the world, sins the man commits and continue to do so.
Also of replica of holy scripture each religion uses to unleash terror and exercise authority at different level, forcibly using religion to achieve the hidden objective.
Rathod explaining about his art bemoaning said “the art work he has engaged in giving it a shape and see that art explains the ills of present society the paintings as a whole is work that has been the labour of two years”
“Any art be it painting or sculpture has certain things as subject on which the art has been in place” he explained taking around the visitors in the exhibition gallery, of many visitors at the gallery I was one of them.
On the contemporary art which his paintings has mostly been most part has gained primordial importance for sole reason of it highlighting the “ills raging our society” and his paintings has one colour most dominantly see that is red and because there is “violent images,” and here colour red is rightly used.

Painting on “global warming” under his masterful hand work reflect both globalization and global warming both, the dark backdrop in his each of painting represent the gloom brought about by global warming.
The skeleton of the fish and burning globe above suggest the impact of destruction and the violence unleashed upon the world from several directions.
Then horrific tale of violence in which child is found suspended in the air under the globe in one of paintings on canvas reminds us of breast of a mother which has seized to be a life giving source.
There were many paintings of the Rathod on global warming like dream like backdrop where a child moving towards twin images resembling breasts held by clips and clips representing the two different faces of woman, this paintings suggest chasm existing between child and mother earth which is controlled by the invisible forces, and union between the two seems to remain a mirage.
His paintings on crime where homeless boy with African and Indian features holding a slate in his hands reflects the agony and helplessness of the orphans all over the world, and strange determination on the boy’s face which represent the rage of the millions of helpless children across the globe.
One single painting on traffic attempts to portray the symbolic representation of the woman’s body and miserable state of sex workers life.
Of many paintings on the “sins committed by humanity” there is use of methapor of primordial sin of Adam and Eve with ironical tone have made a creative use of different positions of the hand to capture two different dimensions of power.
Also Rathod paintings on “sins committed by humanity” in one of the paintings there is one particular feature that is human hand being source of destruction, it is seen in this paintings where a person in his hand is holding not the pen but missile of destruction in signing the declaration.
There is blood spill, not the ink, this paintings is referred to rulers who in the name of signing the declaration of arms exchange treaty, by signing the very agreement, the paintings reminds to the observer that the rulers are taking the whole humanity towards destruction and pain.
Also of replica of holy scripture each religion uses to unleash terror and exercise authority at different level, forcibly using religion to achieve the hidden objective.
Rathod explaining about his art bemoaning said “the art work he has engaged in giving it a shape and see that art explains the ills of present society the paintings as a whole is work that has been the labour of two years”
“Any art be it painting or sculpture has certain things as subject on which the art has been in place” he explained taking around the visitors in the exhibition gallery, of many visitors at the gallery I was one of them.
On the contemporary art which his paintings has mostly been most part has gained primordial importance for sole reason of it highlighting the “ills raging our society” and his paintings has one colour most dominantly see that is red and because there is “violent images,” and here colour red is rightly used.

Painting on “global warming” under his masterful hand work reflect both globalization and global warming both, the dark backdrop in his each of painting represent the gloom brought about by global warming.
The skeleton of the fish and burning globe above suggest the impact of destruction and the violence unleashed upon the world from several directions.
Then horrific tale of violence in which child is found suspended in the air under the globe in one of paintings on canvas reminds us of breast of a mother which has seized to be a life giving source.
There were many paintings of the Rathod on global warming like dream like backdrop where a child moving towards twin images resembling breasts held by clips and clips representing the two different faces of woman, this paintings suggest chasm existing between child and mother earth which is controlled by the invisible forces, and union between the two seems to remain a mirage.
His paintings on crime where homeless boy with African and Indian features holding a slate in his hands reflects the agony and helplessness of the orphans all over the world, and strange determination on the boy’s face which represent the rage of the millions of helpless children across the globe.
One single painting on traffic attempts to portray the symbolic representation of the woman’s body and miserable state of sex workers life.
Of many paintings on the “sins committed by humanity” there is use of methapor of primordial sin of Adam and Eve with ironical tone have made a creative use of different positions of the hand to capture two different dimensions of power.
Also Rathod paintings on “sins committed by humanity” in one of the paintings there is one particular feature that is human hand being source of destruction, it is seen in this paintings where a person in his hand is holding not the pen but missile of destruction in signing the declaration.
There is blood spill, not the ink, this paintings is referred to rulers who in the name of signing the declaration of arms exchange treaty, by signing the very agreement, the paintings reminds to the observer that the rulers are taking the whole humanity towards destruction and pain.
Of his many paintings there is two of the sculpture part of Rathod exhibition, one is female mannequin wrapped with electric wire, this sculpture in mannequin form suggest that human body is imbibed with energy with enough energy, and much is generated.
This mannequin is “experimentation tried where modern scientist reasearcehr technologist would experiment with and I tried to experiment in my art form” is what Rathod said when asked
And “Save Me” child dumped in the garbage crying manifest on the deep moral fallacy, the neglect of the child and ignorance the mother who is not able to feed baby, because of hunger and not able to support herself
Also it suggest that women who had undergone abortion, just threw the child without considering the cost of life this is shown by Rathod by placing garbage and placing toy child, with blood lit.
This mannequin is “experimentation tried where modern scientist reasearcehr technologist would experiment with and I tried to experiment in my art form” is what Rathod said when asked
And “Save Me” child dumped in the garbage crying manifest on the deep moral fallacy, the neglect of the child and ignorance the mother who is not able to feed baby, because of hunger and not able to support herself
Also it suggest that women who had undergone abortion, just threw the child without considering the cost of life this is shown by Rathod by placing garbage and placing toy child, with blood lit.
Police News
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 India Presented "Knights of Khaki” Awards To 21 Police Personnel
4th Estate
December 19th 2011
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 in association with Raja Housing Limited presented "Knights of Khaki" awards to police personnel in the
City for their selfless service in the security of the society.
As many as 21 police personnel from all parts of Bangalore were presented with the "Knights in Khaki" award.
Bangalore city Police Commissioner Jyoti Prakash Mirji who presented the awards said that “such honour boosts the morale of the police peronnel and encourages them to serve the society better. The dedicated police personnel ensure that the society is free of
crime, he added.”
Bangalore Round Table India, National Secretary Treasurer T R Harish Shenoy who spoke on the occasion said that “Round Table India has been contributing its mite to the education. Industrialists below the age of 40 have been using their own resources to construct classrooms and provide other facilities in the area of education”.
Bangalore Round Table President 7 Chairman B. R Vishwas said that “the 21 police personnel, who were presented with awards worked selflessly even putting their lives in danger. The aim of Round Table is to honour more such police personnel in the future.
Joint Commissioner police, CAR B N S Reddy and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 Chairperson Kavitha Sridhar also were in the function.
4th Estate
December 19th 2011
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 in association with Raja Housing Limited presented "Knights of Khaki" awards to police personnel in the

As many as 21 police personnel from all parts of Bangalore were presented with the "Knights in Khaki" award.
Bangalore city Police Commissioner Jyoti Prakash Mirji who presented the awards said that “such honour boosts the morale of the police peronnel and encourages them to serve the society better. The dedicated police personnel ensure that the society is free of

Bangalore Round Table India, National Secretary Treasurer T R Harish Shenoy who spoke on the occasion said that “Round Table India has been contributing its mite to the education. Industrialists below the age of 40 have been using their own resources to construct classrooms and provide other facilities in the area of education”.
Bangalore Round Table President 7 Chairman B. R Vishwas said that “the 21 police personnel, who were presented with awards worked selflessly even putting their lives in danger. The aim of Round Table is to honour more such police personnel in the future.
Joint Commissioner police, CAR B N S Reddy and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 Chairperson Kavitha Sridhar also were in the function.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Yoga and Fitness
Will yoga see light of the day in our schools
Moral education being made part of the curriculum, appeal made in introduction of yoga as part of school curriculum
4th Estate
While ministry of education primary and secondary education time and again emphasised in giving importance to moral education and Yoga as part of the school curriculum,
Moral education has been part of school curriculum, yoga has yet to see the light of the day, “ “Yoga forms part of physical and intellectual development of childrens and this need to seriously considered and be made part of curriculum in schools”
“Primary and Secondar education ministry under Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri, long standing wish and our demand was laid and now atleast the ministry must take a grand steps” said B.Seetharam Tholapadithaya Secretary Shantivan Trust, Dharmasthala which has been forefront in promoting the Yoga in schools at all levels.
Shantivan Trust which has been hosting the 36th National Yoga Championship in Dharmasthala from 29th November 2011 to 3rd December 2011, where this time exponent in Yoga and renowed name like B.K.S Iyengar, K.V Iyer, Krishnamacharya, Pattabhi Jois are taking part
And where for championship the participant are coming from 27states, where 450 males and 350 females in the age group of 8 till 40 years old are taking part.
Without hesitation Tholapadithya said “Shantivan trust has been waiting to make known on the occasion. with a request made through CM D.V Sadnanada Gowda , with govt to well consider and make necessary steps of introduction of yoga as part of the child development and seriously consider it.” With CM being present in the inaugural function.
Speaking to 4th Estate Tholapadithya made known that “Shantivan Trust objective of giving emphasis Yoga has been well thought one.
“Shantivan Trust infact since 1991, started an exercise where it began training teachers in schools both govt and private in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada district.
“And this programme of training the interested schools and teachers was extended to school in other district of the state so as Shimoga, Chickmagalore, Davanagere, Hassan, Madikeri, Belgaum,
“The cost of running the training programme was undertaken by Shantivan Trust, Dharmasthala and the incurring cost the trust had to bore each years for supporting the programme was Rs 30 lakhs” said Tholapadithya
The well known Shantivan Trust initiative of giving training was well received, by most of the schools aided and unaided schools, where according to present nearly 3,900 teachers have benefited by it.
Moral education being made part of the curriculum, appeal made in introduction of yoga as part of school curriculum
4th Estate
While ministry of education primary and secondary education time and again emphasised in giving importance to moral education and Yoga as part of the school curriculum,
Moral education has been part of school curriculum, yoga has yet to see the light of the day, “ “Yoga forms part of physical and intellectual development of childrens and this need to seriously considered and be made part of curriculum in schools”
“Primary and Secondar education ministry under Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri, long standing wish and our demand was laid and now atleast the ministry must take a grand steps” said B.Seetharam Tholapadithaya Secretary Shantivan Trust, Dharmasthala which has been forefront in promoting the Yoga in schools at all levels.
Shantivan Trust which has been hosting the 36th National Yoga Championship in Dharmasthala from 29th November 2011 to 3rd December 2011, where this time exponent in Yoga and renowed name like B.K.S Iyengar, K.V Iyer, Krishnamacharya, Pattabhi Jois are taking part
And where for championship the participant are coming from 27states, where 450 males and 350 females in the age group of 8 till 40 years old are taking part.
Without hesitation Tholapadithya said “Shantivan trust has been waiting to make known on the occasion. with a request made through CM D.V Sadnanada Gowda , with govt to well consider and make necessary steps of introduction of yoga as part of the child development and seriously consider it.” With CM being present in the inaugural function.
Speaking to 4th Estate Tholapadithya made known that “Shantivan Trust objective of giving emphasis Yoga has been well thought one.
“Shantivan Trust infact since 1991, started an exercise where it began training teachers in schools both govt and private in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada district.
“And this programme of training the interested schools and teachers was extended to school in other district of the state so as Shimoga, Chickmagalore, Davanagere, Hassan, Madikeri, Belgaum,
“The cost of running the training programme was undertaken by Shantivan Trust, Dharmasthala and the incurring cost the trust had to bore each years for supporting the programme was Rs 30 lakhs” said Tholapadithya
The well known Shantivan Trust initiative of giving training was well received, by most of the schools aided and unaided schools, where according to present nearly 3,900 teachers have benefited by it.
International Competition
Stage is well set for ‘Mr Universe-2011 Body Building Championship’
4th Estate
Three members from Karnataka of total seven member bodybuilders team contingent who are taking part in ‘Mr Universe-2011 Body Building Championship’ which is scheduled to be held at Hamburg in from 26th to 28th November 2011.
“We are upbeat and our exercise regime, diet are strictly followed and monitored by Indian Fitness and Body Builders Federation and we are sure we will win collectively and individually” said Roshan Ferrero captain of India team,
Mahesh S. Lohar from Maharashtra who will coach for the completion was confirmed by P.S.B Naidu Secretary General of Bangalore chapter of Indian Fitness and Body Builders Federation, Bangalore wh
ile speaking to 4th Estate
If Roshan Ferrao is well known body builder from Karnataka working in Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation is from Mangalore, while Shodan Rai and S. Shankar is native of Bangalore, both are working as trainers at Gold Gym.
The other team members are Y.Nalbir Singh and L.Boynao Singh from Manipur, Satish Krishna Malusore and Ashok Shankar Chauvan ,
More than anyone the news of three member from Karnataka taking part is taken well , the one body which will be proud very much for having guided in some way or the other even helped in producing that many body builders will be Karnataka Amateur Body Builders Association, which is past has reputation of producing body builders like Raymond D.Souza, A.V Ravi, G.Manjunath and Srinivas Swamy
Aspiring Body Builders your guide to one among them!
4th Estate which had interaction with captain of India team Roshan Ferrao secured few of the tips that will go well if one has to be body builder and be among them.
- To be body builder you need to above 17 years, that is where muscle tendons and skin began to grow much faster and take any inputs, and you need to spend minimum of two years in gym to be body builder and getting trained by the expert trainer.
- To be good body builders you need to follow strict exercise regime under a trained body building instructor in a reputed gym, which cities have.
- Diet regime that is followed need to have protein, carbohydrate, where non-vegetarian should be mainly part of regime, where you need to take 40 eggs, ¼ kg of fish and ½ kg of chicken every day
- One need to keep himself a separate amount of money for the upkeep of diet regime and fees he spends on body building itself, that is Rs 1,200 everyday should be allotted for food itself and few thousand rupees should be spent on gym trainer and for gym.
4th Estate
Three members from Karnataka of total seven member bodybuilders team contingent who are taking part in ‘Mr Universe-2011 Body Building Championship’ which is scheduled to be held at Hamburg in from 26th to 28th November 2011.
“We are upbeat and our exercise regime, diet are strictly followed and monitored by Indian Fitness and Body Builders Federation and we are sure we will win collectively and individually” said Roshan Ferrero captain of India team,
Mahesh S. Lohar from Maharashtra who will coach for the completion was confirmed by P.S.B Naidu Secretary General of Bangalore chapter of Indian Fitness and Body Builders Federation, Bangalore wh

If Roshan Ferrao is well known body builder from Karnataka working in Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation is from Mangalore, while Shodan Rai and S. Shankar is native of Bangalore, both are working as trainers at Gold Gym.
The other team members are Y.Nalbir Singh and L.Boynao Singh from Manipur, Satish Krishna Malusore and Ashok Shankar Chauvan ,
More than anyone the news of three member from Karnataka taking part is taken well , the one body which will be proud very much for having guided in some way or the other even helped in producing that many body builders will be Karnataka Amateur Body Builders Association, which is past has reputation of producing body builders like Raymond D.Souza, A.V Ravi, G.Manjunath and Srinivas Swamy
Aspiring Body Builders your guide to one among them!
4th Estate which had interaction with captain of India team Roshan Ferrao secured few of the tips that will go well if one has to be body builder and be among them.
- To be body builder you need to above 17 years, that is where muscle tendons and skin began to grow much faster and take any inputs, and you need to spend minimum of two years in gym to be body builder and getting trained by the expert trainer.
- To be good body builders you need to follow strict exercise regime under a trained body building instructor in a reputed gym, which cities have.
- Diet regime that is followed need to have protein, carbohydrate, where non-vegetarian should be mainly part of regime, where you need to take 40 eggs, ¼ kg of fish and ½ kg of chicken every day
- One need to keep himself a separate amount of money for the upkeep of diet regime and fees he spends on body building itself, that is Rs 1,200 everyday should be allotted for food itself and few thousand rupees should be spent on gym trainer and for gym.
Printing Technology
Lexmark unveils its new ink range printers
4th Estate blogspot.com
The leader in inkjet printers and the second largest seller of inkjet printers in the world, today launched the home and professional version of inkjet printers.
Four new devices that were brought out were: Prospect Pro209, Prevail Pro 708, Impact S308 and Interpret S409.
The printers which come with Lexmark’s patented Vizix print technology, which includes separate ink cartridges, fast print speeds and high quality results.
It is said the new All-In -One(AIO) devices printer which can print up to 33 pages per minute in black and up to 30 pages per minute in colour, producing crisp, precise images is the fastest printers of the generation.
The thing that attract about the printer is that of all four printers launched are equipped with advanced wireless-n technology for long range reach and a more reliable signal for fast rates, ensuring freedom and flexibility for the user.
Speaking on the occasion of launch of the Lexmark new ink range models Mr Shailendra Aragula country manager said ‘The research has shown that printing costs are important to small business and enterprises looking of Lexmark India.
“Prospect Pro209, Prevail Pro708, Impact S308 and Interpret S409 have been designed with the small business in mind, helping them so called customers keep costs down without compromising on quality”
“While Pro708 if known for heavy duty handling capacity, Pro 209 is known for energy saver or energy efficient printer.
“Whereas S409 is known for excellent and fast printing with highest printing quality beautiful photos, crisp text all possible with Vizix print technology, while there is not much difference between the models,
Commenting further Argula mentioned of that in fast paced technology era “Lexmark want its printers to be known as technology compatible saving time, so this printers work with wi-fi “
Lexmark which will sell its printing solutions and products through vendors like HCL, CMS and Matrix to various companies who order them, “has strong presence in India and most of its customers in India are within government sectors” said Aragula.
4th Estate blogspot.com
The leader in inkjet printers and the second largest seller of inkjet printers in the world, today launched the home and professional version of inkjet printers.
Four new devices that were brought out were: Prospect Pro209, Prevail Pro 708, Impact S308 and Interpret S409.

The printers which come with Lexmark’s patented Vizix print technology, which includes separate ink cartridges, fast print speeds and high quality results.
It is said the new All-In -One(AIO) devices printer which can print up to 33 pages per minute in black and up to 30 pages per minute in colour, producing crisp, precise images is the fastest printers of the generation.
The thing that attract about the printer is that of all four printers launched are equipped with advanced wireless-n technology for long range reach and a more reliable signal for fast rates, ensuring freedom and flexibility for the user.
Speaking on the occasion of launch of the Lexmark new ink range models Mr Shailendra Aragula country manager said ‘The research has shown that printing costs are important to small business and enterprises looking of Lexmark India.
“Prospect Pro209, Prevail Pro708, Impact S308 and Interpret S409 have been designed with the small business in mind, helping them so called customers keep costs down without compromising on quality”
“While Pro708 if known for heavy duty handling capacity, Pro 209 is known for energy saver or energy efficient printer.
“Whereas S409 is known for excellent and fast printing with highest printing quality beautiful photos, crisp text all possible with Vizix print technology, while there is not much difference between the models,
Commenting further Argula mentioned of that in fast paced technology era “Lexmark want its printers to be known as technology compatible saving time, so this printers work with wi-fi “
Lexmark which will sell its printing solutions and products through vendors like HCL, CMS and Matrix to various companies who order them, “has strong presence in India and most of its customers in India are within government sectors” said Aragula.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Current News
What should be the role of Panchayath Raj institution
One day interactive session discussed on various aspect of the Panchayath be it Gramasabha, Gramapanchayath, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, division of powers, allocation of funds etc.,
A meeting and interactive session called under Gram Panchayat Hakotya Andolana (GPHA)-the voluntary organisation to which belong Gramasabha, Gramapanchayath, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, president, secretary.
To discuss about the powers, decentralisation and funding according to and in conformity to Constitution of India and in lieu of powers rested in 73rd and 74th Amendment will be discussed in one day interactive session.
While beginning the proceedings of the interactive meeting and session Jagadish Shettar, opened with comments “To begin with first it is necessary to commend the work of GPHA, for they having organised and having called this meeting and interactive session, where those active members of GPHA are present in the meeting.
“ Since constituting the GPHA, in 1999 it has brought to the notice to the ministry of Panchayat Raj and Rural development ministry that, GPHA as organisation want to know the role of the either be it Gramsabha, Grampanchayat, Taluk Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat.
“While the constitution has clearly defined under 73rd and 74th amendment what role the Gramasabha, Grampanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, still though policy is framed, powers are not decentralised, central funding are not clearly demarked.
“At times one single funds allotted by central govt is used to many by the programmes under the welfare programme framed under Gramasabha, Gramapanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, it is not right practice, so this need to fruitfully discussed.
“This GPHA meeting it is believed will have fruitful discussion where it is believed, the key raised issues across party lines legislators will take the issue put forward by GPHA members in Vidhana Sabha and Vidhana Parishad.
On the objective of the meeting Ganapthi connected to GPHA said “The discussion of the meeting and consensus will have lot of bearing the legislators themselves will know of the many issues so far they themselves don’t know from the respect the Gramasabha, Gramapanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, has to play.
“When the larger conference under GPHA is organised in Udupi on 9 to 11th Decemeber 2011 where high profile CM DV Sadananda Gowda and Mani Shankar Aiyar former Panchayat Raj Minister will be present.
“The concrete proposal of the this meeting and way forward to make Panchayat as more effective vibrant in Karnataka will be discussed, so in this light this meeting is very useful.
The proceeding of the interactive meeting and session was inaugurated by Jagadish Shettar minster for Panchayat Raj, and Rural Development had 25 prominent legislators, and Grama Panchayat Hakoota Andolana (GPHA) members constituting the Zilla Panchayath, Gramasabha, Taluk Panchayath president and secretaries.
Most of the members of the GPHA who had came to the interactive session and meeting were Gram Panchayath, Gramsabha, Taluk Panchayath presidents from North Karnataka region, while the invitation was extended for all the members
Some prominent legislature who were present in the meeting and who are infact were part of the deliberations were Mr Mahima Patel, MLA, D.R Patel MLA of Gadag, PGR Scindia, Prathap, MLC, C.Narayanaswamy.
One day interactive session discussed on various aspect of the Panchayath be it Gramasabha, Gramapanchayath, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, division of powers, allocation of funds etc.,
A meeting and interactive session called under Gram Panchayat Hakotya Andolana (GPHA)-the voluntary organisation to which belong Gramasabha, Gramapanchayath, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, president, secretary.
To discuss about the powers, decentralisation and funding according to and in conformity to Constitution of India and in lieu of powers rested in 73rd and 74th Amendment will be discussed in one day interactive session.
While beginning the proceedings of the interactive meeting and session Jagadish Shettar, opened with comments “To begin with first it is necessary to commend the work of GPHA, for they having organised and having called this meeting and interactive session, where those active members of GPHA are present in the meeting.
“ Since constituting the GPHA, in 1999 it has brought to the notice to the ministry of Panchayat Raj and Rural development ministry that, GPHA as organisation want to know the role of the either be it Gramsabha, Grampanchayat, Taluk Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat.
“While the constitution has clearly defined under 73rd and 74th amendment what role the Gramasabha, Grampanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, still though policy is framed, powers are not decentralised, central funding are not clearly demarked.
“At times one single funds allotted by central govt is used to many by the programmes under the welfare programme framed under Gramasabha, Gramapanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, it is not right practice, so this need to fruitfully discussed.
“This GPHA meeting it is believed will have fruitful discussion where it is believed, the key raised issues across party lines legislators will take the issue put forward by GPHA members in Vidhana Sabha and Vidhana Parishad.
On the objective of the meeting Ganapthi connected to GPHA said “The discussion of the meeting and consensus will have lot of bearing the legislators themselves will know of the many issues so far they themselves don’t know from the respect the Gramasabha, Gramapanchayat, Taluk Panchayat Zilla Panchayat, has to play.
“When the larger conference under GPHA is organised in Udupi on 9 to 11th Decemeber 2011 where high profile CM DV Sadananda Gowda and Mani Shankar Aiyar former Panchayat Raj Minister will be present.
“The concrete proposal of the this meeting and way forward to make Panchayat as more effective vibrant in Karnataka will be discussed, so in this light this meeting is very useful.
The proceeding of the interactive meeting and session was inaugurated by Jagadish Shettar minster for Panchayat Raj, and Rural Development had 25 prominent legislators, and Grama Panchayat Hakoota Andolana (GPHA) members constituting the Zilla Panchayath, Gramasabha, Taluk Panchayath president and secretaries.
Most of the members of the GPHA who had came to the interactive session and meeting were Gram Panchayath, Gramsabha, Taluk Panchayath presidents from North Karnataka region, while the invitation was extended for all the members
Some prominent legislature who were present in the meeting and who are infact were part of the deliberations were Mr Mahima Patel, MLA, D.R Patel MLA of Gadag, PGR Scindia, Prathap, MLC, C.Narayanaswamy.
Protest News
Sand business affected strike of lorry owners to continue unabated
Federation of Lorry Drivers and Agents Association (FLDA) today protested in Freedom park demanding the lorry owners permit need to given back , sand quarrying so far banned need to be revived.
Some one thousand members of FLDA, many of them labourers some or the other way connected to FLDA, and quarrying who had come from all parts of Karnataka protested that CM Sadananda Gowda has to address the issue.
Which otherwise the protest will continue, where procession from Freedom park to CM residence will be taken up.
Speaking on the occasion B.V Narayanappa General Secretary of Federation of Karnataka State Lorry Owners and Agents Association said “When there is no law itself as to define what is illegal sand quarrying, quarrying itself how is this law made and why it was banned?
“ For past 20 days the lorry have remained stagnant, sand has not been arriving for building construction, in Bangalore more than 60 lorries all over the state have remained stagnant.
“And there are thousand infact lakhs people who had dependent on sand business are without work, many infact are migrating to other works and other parts of the state, district.
“Government infact should now never remain silent infact should act fast otherwise we will surround CM house and our protest will be intense, we can see so many struggling for life and with sand business connected to them.
Federation of Lorry Drivers and Agents Association (FLDA) today protested in Freedom park demanding the lorry owners permit need to given back , sand quarrying so far banned need to be revived.
Some one thousand members of FLDA, many of them labourers some or the other way connected to FLDA, and quarrying who had come from all parts of Karnataka protested that CM Sadananda Gowda has to address the issue.
Which otherwise the protest will continue, where procession from Freedom park to CM residence will be taken up.
Speaking on the occasion B.V Narayanappa General Secretary of Federation of Karnataka State Lorry Owners and Agents Association said “When there is no law itself as to define what is illegal sand quarrying, quarrying itself how is this law made and why it was banned?
“ For past 20 days the lorry have remained stagnant, sand has not been arriving for building construction, in Bangalore more than 60 lorries all over the state have remained stagnant.
“And there are thousand infact lakhs people who had dependent on sand business are without work, many infact are migrating to other works and other parts of the state, district.
“Government infact should now never remain silent infact should act fast otherwise we will surround CM house and our protest will be intense, we can see so many struggling for life and with sand business connected to them.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Current News/Foreign Affairs
India to engage with countries of Indian ocean rim and ready to work at various level
11th Council of Ministers Meeting of Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR-ARC) in third day and last day of meeting opened where delegates representing the respective countries , foreign minister, secretaries, put forward their views, later it was said at end of the third day Bangalore communique will be issued
India which took over the chairmanship of IOR-ARC, from Yemen this year, will hold chairmanship till next year where Australia will take over the chairmanship and also it will be in Perth Australia where next IOR-ARC councils of ministers meeting will be held in 2012
In the opening speech of S.M Krishna External Affairs Minister who took over chairmanship with India holding the chairmanship made remark about the IOR-ARC challenges and opportunities and threats the IOR-ARC countries are to deal with
“There is need to co-operation at regional, sub-regional co-operation between Indian ocean surrounding countries at multi-lateral level ”
On India perspective of the Indian role, that India will play in IOR-ARC as one of its member and presently holding chairmanship “ India need to have interaction, co-operation with countries in the Indian ocean member countries in area of energy , where rising cost of conventional resources has become detrimental.
He also made known the urgent concern the Indian ocean rim countries need to ponder over and for which “strategic co-operation” “understanding” and “exchange of officials and diplomats quite frequently” at times when discussion take place as in discussion with “climate change” “trade and commerce” “fisheries” “piracy” “tourism” has to be the topic of discussion.
S.M Krishna emphasised the measures India has been on as to “ setting up disaster management agencies as to early warning system already in place as to Tsunami warning system” done with co-operation of IOR-ARC
Also the area where academic -government interaction happening in the area of “Hydrology, Marine Biology” and in this front he called on the delegates of those who were there on need to explore on “collaborative approach with Indian at academia-governmental level”
With many countries having raised the issues bothering the Indian Ocean rim countries, with international maritime having been affected also affecting the economy, trade and commodity transport also human trafficking going on “ the Indian govt is very much working with other countries surrounding the Indian Ocean rim.
“And this meeting will assume significance in the light of piracy which is bothering the same for everyone, and consensus where stern policy is framed to tackle the piracy and this will be taken with other International organisation who are working on similar lines”
“Officials are discussing ways of simplifying procedures for utilization of special fund, effective instrument for financing the projects and studies of common interest, with this objective India has decided to provide additional funding of US $ 1 million to the fund” said S,M Krishna on the constituting fund and how the member countries of IOR-ARC can use the fund for the collective development
The 17 member countries and the delegation at Bangalroe 11th IOR-ARC council of minister meeting ,include Mr Kevin Rudd, Foreign Minister Australia, Ms Dipu Moni Foreign Minister of Republic Bangladesh Ms Yuli Mumpuni Widarso Senior Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Legal and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of republic of Indonesia.
Mohammed Mehdi Akhondzadeh Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, Prof Fertus KAberia High Commissioner of Kenya to India, Ms Rakotoson Rakotorimah Razafinjararosa Charge de Affairs Madagascar.
Y.B Datuk Richard Riot, Deputy Foreign Minister of Malaysia, Dr Arvin Boolell Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius, Anundpriyay Neewoor Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius,
Mr Eduardo Koloma Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of the Republic of Mozambique.
Mr Talib Miran Zaman Al Raisi Chief of Economic Affairs Sector Oman, Masagos Zulkifli Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Ebrahim Ismail Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South Africa.
Samuel J.Sitta Head of Delegation Tanzania, Navin Boonseat Secretary of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Khaled Ghanim Al-Ghaith Assistant Minister of Economic Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Dr Abdul Bakr Al –Qirbi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yemen, Dr Sarath Amunugama Foreign Minister of Srilanka
11th Council of Ministers Meeting of Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR-ARC) in third day and last day of meeting opened where delegates representing the respective countries , foreign minister, secretaries, put forward their views, later it was said at end of the third day Bangalore communique will be issued
India which took over the chairmanship of IOR-ARC, from Yemen this year, will hold chairmanship till next year where Australia will take over the chairmanship and also it will be in Perth Australia where next IOR-ARC councils of ministers meeting will be held in 2012
In the opening speech of S.M Krishna External Affairs Minister who took over chairmanship with India holding the chairmanship made remark about the IOR-ARC challenges and opportunities and threats the IOR-ARC countries are to deal with
“There is need to co-operation at regional, sub-regional co-operation between Indian ocean surrounding countries at multi-lateral level ”
On India perspective of the Indian role, that India will play in IOR-ARC as one of its member and presently holding chairmanship “ India need to have interaction, co-operation with countries in the Indian ocean member countries in area of energy , where rising cost of conventional resources has become detrimental.
He also made known the urgent concern the Indian ocean rim countries need to ponder over and for which “strategic co-operation” “understanding” and “exchange of officials and diplomats quite frequently” at times when discussion take place as in discussion with “climate change” “trade and commerce” “fisheries” “piracy” “tourism” has to be the topic of discussion.
S.M Krishna emphasised the measures India has been on as to “ setting up disaster management agencies as to early warning system already in place as to Tsunami warning system” done with co-operation of IOR-ARC
Also the area where academic -government interaction happening in the area of “Hydrology, Marine Biology” and in this front he called on the delegates of those who were there on need to explore on “collaborative approach with Indian at academia-governmental level”
With many countries having raised the issues bothering the Indian Ocean rim countries, with international maritime having been affected also affecting the economy, trade and commodity transport also human trafficking going on “ the Indian govt is very much working with other countries surrounding the Indian Ocean rim.
“And this meeting will assume significance in the light of piracy which is bothering the same for everyone, and consensus where stern policy is framed to tackle the piracy and this will be taken with other International organisation who are working on similar lines”
“Officials are discussing ways of simplifying procedures for utilization of special fund, effective instrument for financing the projects and studies of common interest, with this objective India has decided to provide additional funding of US $ 1 million to the fund” said S,M Krishna on the constituting fund and how the member countries of IOR-ARC can use the fund for the collective development
The 17 member countries and the delegation at Bangalroe 11th IOR-ARC council of minister meeting ,include Mr Kevin Rudd, Foreign Minister Australia, Ms Dipu Moni Foreign Minister of Republic Bangladesh Ms Yuli Mumpuni Widarso Senior Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Legal and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of republic of Indonesia.
Mohammed Mehdi Akhondzadeh Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, Prof Fertus KAberia High Commissioner of Kenya to India, Ms Rakotoson Rakotorimah Razafinjararosa Charge de Affairs Madagascar.
Y.B Datuk Richard Riot, Deputy Foreign Minister of Malaysia, Dr Arvin Boolell Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius, Anundpriyay Neewoor Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius,
Mr Eduardo Koloma Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of the Republic of Mozambique.
Mr Talib Miran Zaman Al Raisi Chief of Economic Affairs Sector Oman, Masagos Zulkifli Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Ebrahim Ismail Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South Africa.
Samuel J.Sitta Head of Delegation Tanzania, Navin Boonseat Secretary of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Khaled Ghanim Al-Ghaith Assistant Minister of Economic Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Dr Abdul Bakr Al –Qirbi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yemen, Dr Sarath Amunugama Foreign Minister of Srilanka
Agriculture News
Germany in the forefront of organic farming
Germany is far ahead of the world in showing the potential of organic farming, probably world woke up, it is right time to switch over Organic farming three decades ago, german government had fully supported any move to go for full organic.
“ Probably in technological that is available to deliver processed organic food products, German are constantly innovating, as of now you make get fresh organic, fruits, vegetables, but then processed by product.
“And technological expertise is hard to be developed, Germany is trying to develop it,” said Andreas N. Meyer of Vivani of Germany who has been into manufacture of organic chocolate products .
Germany which has been organising the world’s biggest organic trade fair under Bio-Fach, has grabbed attention world over, for the fair in order to promote its own organic farming industry,
Also for the eventuality availability of organic raw material for its own raw material dependent industry, Germany is partnering between various stakeholders those connected with organic industries, farming community, suppliers etc., in countries like India, Australia, China, Japan means.
Wherein own it will help in sustenance of its organic industry which in beginning had backing of govt, But henceforth, the sustenance of Organic industry will rest on how so many private players in organic industry in Germany will initiate the move, so that Germany remains leader in Organic sector in the world.
On the necessity prevailing to adopt of Organic farming “Introspection if made in the light of climate change ,ecological imbalance, soil infertility, if sustainable agricultural is the new mantra to be followed then there is very much need to adopt organic farming”.
“Such introspection was made by not just Germany but under the agricultural policy framed for whole of Europe, under European Union Common Agricultural Policy 2001” said Meyer
“ Germany though took lead in Organic farming, three decades ago, the total area under Organic farming is only 5 percent of total agricultural area, consumers of organic food is 25 percent of population, the largest consumer of organic food are in Berlin”
“The largest of the area under Organic farming is in Brandenberg, and Bavaria region of Federal Republic of Germany” said Meyer mentioning of the region and area under organic farming.
Germany is far ahead of the world in showing the potential of organic farming, probably world woke up, it is right time to switch over Organic farming three decades ago, german government had fully supported any move to go for full organic.
“ Probably in technological that is available to deliver processed organic food products, German are constantly innovating, as of now you make get fresh organic, fruits, vegetables, but then processed by product.
“And technological expertise is hard to be developed, Germany is trying to develop it,” said Andreas N. Meyer of Vivani of Germany who has been into manufacture of organic chocolate products .
Germany which has been organising the world’s biggest organic trade fair under Bio-Fach, has grabbed attention world over, for the fair in order to promote its own organic farming industry,
Also for the eventuality availability of organic raw material for its own raw material dependent industry, Germany is partnering between various stakeholders those connected with organic industries, farming community, suppliers etc., in countries like India, Australia, China, Japan means.
Wherein own it will help in sustenance of its organic industry which in beginning had backing of govt, But henceforth, the sustenance of Organic industry will rest on how so many private players in organic industry in Germany will initiate the move, so that Germany remains leader in Organic sector in the world.
On the necessity prevailing to adopt of Organic farming “Introspection if made in the light of climate change ,ecological imbalance, soil infertility, if sustainable agricultural is the new mantra to be followed then there is very much need to adopt organic farming”.
“Such introspection was made by not just Germany but under the agricultural policy framed for whole of Europe, under European Union Common Agricultural Policy 2001” said Meyer
“ Germany though took lead in Organic farming, three decades ago, the total area under Organic farming is only 5 percent of total agricultural area, consumers of organic food is 25 percent of population, the largest consumer of organic food are in Berlin”
“The largest of the area under Organic farming is in Brandenberg, and Bavaria region of Federal Republic of Germany” said Meyer mentioning of the region and area under organic farming.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Childrerns day News
Childrens day celebration at Bal Bhavan Society
14 November 2011
Childrens day being today was celebrated by Bal Bhavan Society, in association with Women and Child Welfare department Karnataka in a unique way presenting Prathibha Puraskar awards to children who have excelled in academics, culture and sports for year 2011, constituted by Women and Child welfare dept Karnataka Govt.
Calling on the students, also making known of the vision Jawaharlal Nehru had for childrens Governor H.R Bharadwaj asked children and students to “ follow the footsteps of Nehru, the ideals he led the life”
“Nehru loved children too much and there was instance as I came to know myself that even at times allotted 8 to 10 hours to known from concerned department who working for the welfare to know what they were doing”
Meanwhile governor was all in praise for child welfare department, Bal Bahvan for promoting the children cause “ officials in the Bal Bahvan, Children and Women and Social welfare department have been doing good work for this children in supporting them in academics, in sports and cultural activities”
He commended the lead taken by girls children especially after seeing so many having taken Prathibha Puraskar prizes this morning in the very function “ It is good many girl students have come forward, excelled in culture, sports, and for which parents are toiling harder.
“There is need to bridge the imbalance existing in our education system, in our social fabric where girls are neglected, but in Karnataka those beliefs are dismissed.
Many students numbering 24 in all who have come form various district of the state got Pratibha Puraskar Award, for the year 2011, also individuals so as Gopinath from Koppal and Vasanth Kumar Shetty from Bangalore the two individuals.
Who was working on behalf of labour class, street children, and helping dropouts in schools to help them rejoin again the schools were given award for their recognition.
Two of the organisation Kuvempu Trust of Chitradurga, and Association for Promotion of Social Action (APSA) of Bangalore received award and commendation for their work in helping dropout children, street children and mentally challenged children join the school also helping them to bring in mainstream of life, they also got the cash prize of Rs 2 lakhs each
Also present on the occasion were-B.C Patil, Child Women Welfare Minister, Karnataka govt, Ms Symala Iqbal Director Child Women Welfare Department Karnataka govt, Ms Sudha Raghunandan Director Karnataka Council of Child Welfare, Roshan Baig Congress party MLA Shivajinagar, Ms Sulochana President of Bal Bahvan Society
14 November 2011
Childrens day being today was celebrated by Bal Bhavan Society, in association with Women and Child Welfare department Karnataka in a unique way presenting Prathibha Puraskar awards to children who have excelled in academics, culture and sports for year 2011, constituted by Women and Child welfare dept Karnataka Govt.
Calling on the students, also making known of the vision Jawaharlal Nehru had for childrens Governor H.R Bharadwaj asked children and students to “ follow the footsteps of Nehru, the ideals he led the life”
“Nehru loved children too much and there was instance as I came to know myself that even at times allotted 8 to 10 hours to known from concerned department who working for the welfare to know what they were doing”
Meanwhile governor was all in praise for child welfare department, Bal Bahvan for promoting the children cause “ officials in the Bal Bahvan, Children and Women and Social welfare department have been doing good work for this children in supporting them in academics, in sports and cultural activities”
He commended the lead taken by girls children especially after seeing so many having taken Prathibha Puraskar prizes this morning in the very function “ It is good many girl students have come forward, excelled in culture, sports, and for which parents are toiling harder.
“There is need to bridge the imbalance existing in our education system, in our social fabric where girls are neglected, but in Karnataka those beliefs are dismissed.
Many students numbering 24 in all who have come form various district of the state got Pratibha Puraskar Award, for the year 2011, also individuals so as Gopinath from Koppal and Vasanth Kumar Shetty from Bangalore the two individuals.
Who was working on behalf of labour class, street children, and helping dropouts in schools to help them rejoin again the schools were given award for their recognition.
Two of the organisation Kuvempu Trust of Chitradurga, and Association for Promotion of Social Action (APSA) of Bangalore received award and commendation for their work in helping dropout children, street children and mentally challenged children join the school also helping them to bring in mainstream of life, they also got the cash prize of Rs 2 lakhs each
Also present on the occasion were-B.C Patil, Child Women Welfare Minister, Karnataka govt, Ms Symala Iqbal Director Child Women Welfare Department Karnataka govt, Ms Sudha Raghunandan Director Karnataka Council of Child Welfare, Roshan Baig Congress party MLA Shivajinagar, Ms Sulochana President of Bal Bahvan Society
Energy News/ City News
Energy park the first of its kind in Karnataka was inaugurated in Bangalore today by Shobha Karandlaje
Renewable energy and environmental friendly energy has to become way of life said Shobha Karandlaje Energy Minister , Karnataka Govt, while inaugurating the Energy Park located adjacent to Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain.
“It is good to see that various equipments are powered by solar energy as renewable energy, and are seen in the energy park, it is befitting example so to say.
“At a times when we are facing deficit of energy, in a small way people must try to make use of solar energy in their own way, by which pressure and dependence on Hydro electricity, thermal and nuclear energy can be reduced.

Karandlaje called and asked citizens to adopt solar energy to meet the domestic energy needs “today our people build house costing lakhs, this is very much seen in big cities as well as town and villages even, but by spending just a few lakhs, they should see that energy need are meet by having solar installation in their house.
The park which has the in display the various Solar energy implements, for the people to get to see, also make solar energy as part of life, buy some of the implements “ ministry has been promoting solar energy, and policy was framed in this direction.
“We have decided that in future this park will not only have various implements that run on solar energy, or for that any other renewable energy, but there will also be stalls where various solar implements will be for sale, where people can buy.
Energy Park, the first of its kind in Bangalore, replete with a solar hut with a photovoltaic rooftop system, a children's pool with a solar water heater test facility, battery-operated vehicles that will take you around the park and a windmill that pumps bore well water among others .
A park has a demonstration of street lighting and garden lights with a small solar panel has been highlighted. Aero generators (miniature version of windmills) have been put up at various places in the park to create energy through wind.
There are also Biogas plant, biomass gasifiers, biofuel energy plantation, box type solar cooker, digital weighing machine powered solar power.
The 1.5 crore project has been undertaken by Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL), in association with the Horticultural Department. The venture has also been financially supported by the Ministries of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES).
Renewable energy and environmental friendly energy has to become way of life said Shobha Karandlaje Energy Minister , Karnataka Govt, while inaugurating the Energy Park located adjacent to Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain.
“It is good to see that various equipments are powered by solar energy as renewable energy, and are seen in the energy park, it is befitting example so to say.
“At a times when we are facing deficit of energy, in a small way people must try to make use of solar energy in their own way, by which pressure and dependence on Hydro electricity, thermal and nuclear energy can be reduced.

Karandlaje called and asked citizens to adopt solar energy to meet the domestic energy needs “today our people build house costing lakhs, this is very much seen in big cities as well as town and villages even, but by spending just a few lakhs, they should see that energy need are meet by having solar installation in their house.
The park which has the in display the various Solar energy implements, for the people to get to see, also make solar energy as part of life, buy some of the implements “ ministry has been promoting solar energy, and policy was framed in this direction.
“We have decided that in future this park will not only have various implements that run on solar energy, or for that any other renewable energy, but there will also be stalls where various solar implements will be for sale, where people can buy.
Energy Park, the first of its kind in Bangalore, replete with a solar hut with a photovoltaic rooftop system, a children's pool with a solar water heater test facility, battery-operated vehicles that will take you around the park and a windmill that pumps bore well water among others .

There are also Biogas plant, biomass gasifiers, biofuel energy plantation, box type solar cooker, digital weighing machine powered solar power.
The 1.5 crore project has been undertaken by Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL), in association with the Horticultural Department. The venture has also been financially supported by the Ministries of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES).
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Treat AYUSH doctors on par with other doctors working outside the AYUSH
They are not the lesser doctors compared to other doctors , but officials in Ayurveda Unani Siddha Homeopathy (AYUSH) has no answers why regular doctors are getting good pay scale of Rs 27,000, but not AYUSH doctors.
AYUSH doctors, have become lesser mortals ! numbering around 700 doctors are getting only Rs 11,000 despite having served under AYUSH govt of Karnataka as doctors in various places in state for past three years.
Bangalore which contacted with the some of the doctors who in turn called to answer about the sorry state of affairs they are into, “something such partiality, not seen among the doctors serving in neighbouring state of Maharashtra and Gujarath where AYUSH has treated doctors there well
“But why here in Karnataka why are we not looked after well by AYUSH and govt” said Dr Mallikarjuna AYUSH doctors serving under AYUSH, working in Bangalore rural one among the 700 doctors listed under AYUSH Govt of Karnataka.
But then the similar grievance was expressed by the other two doctors Dr Manjunath and Dr Sanjiv Kumar both doctors from Bagalkot district who contacted Bangalore Beat but it is now very sure that govt and officials have left this AYUSH doctors down and they need to be treated well.
AYUSH doctors have become of late one of the far reaching performers in providing best medical care and serving the people, especially if you look about their service in North Karnataka especially in villages.
As said in Nanjundappa Committee report that “those who have served under and being back bone of health care service need to treated on par in terms of the scale of the salary paid , benefits they are entitled to get”.
But now what seen in case of AYUSH doctors it is exactly the opposite , “Any medical need given under the direction of AYUSH, or using either of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.
“Especially Ayurveda has far reaching significance in patients suffering or treated for the disease like Arthritis, Asthma. Medicine administered to patients works quickly either helping in recovering or decimating the disease without incurring much cost for patients.”
“And when AYUSH doctors are doing well, despite some lapse in govt in helping us get medicine, still doing work honestly, is it right on part of govt asking us and making us survive in salary of Rs 11,000 ?
“With today cost of living being increasing day by day, when our doctors friends working outside AYUSH having good pay scale drawing salary of Rs 27,000, they govt must seriously consider implementing our salary, increasing bring on par with general doctors scale as notified in Najundappa report.
“If not we all AYUSH doctors majority will assemble in Benappa Park on November 14th 2011 and protest in demanding our demands to be met, we want health minister and concerned officials in AYUSH Director, Karnataka Mr Srikanthiah to take urgent steps in meeting our demand” said Dr Sanjiv Kumar.
They are not the lesser doctors compared to other doctors , but officials in Ayurveda Unani Siddha Homeopathy (AYUSH) has no answers why regular doctors are getting good pay scale of Rs 27,000, but not AYUSH doctors.
AYUSH doctors, have become lesser mortals ! numbering around 700 doctors are getting only Rs 11,000 despite having served under AYUSH govt of Karnataka as doctors in various places in state for past three years.
Bangalore which contacted with the some of the doctors who in turn called to answer about the sorry state of affairs they are into, “something such partiality, not seen among the doctors serving in neighbouring state of Maharashtra and Gujarath where AYUSH has treated doctors there well
“But why here in Karnataka why are we not looked after well by AYUSH and govt” said Dr Mallikarjuna AYUSH doctors serving under AYUSH, working in Bangalore rural one among the 700 doctors listed under AYUSH Govt of Karnataka.
But then the similar grievance was expressed by the other two doctors Dr Manjunath and Dr Sanjiv Kumar both doctors from Bagalkot district who contacted Bangalore Beat but it is now very sure that govt and officials have left this AYUSH doctors down and they need to be treated well.
AYUSH doctors have become of late one of the far reaching performers in providing best medical care and serving the people, especially if you look about their service in North Karnataka especially in villages.
As said in Nanjundappa Committee report that “those who have served under and being back bone of health care service need to treated on par in terms of the scale of the salary paid , benefits they are entitled to get”.
But now what seen in case of AYUSH doctors it is exactly the opposite , “Any medical need given under the direction of AYUSH, or using either of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.
“Especially Ayurveda has far reaching significance in patients suffering or treated for the disease like Arthritis, Asthma. Medicine administered to patients works quickly either helping in recovering or decimating the disease without incurring much cost for patients.”
“And when AYUSH doctors are doing well, despite some lapse in govt in helping us get medicine, still doing work honestly, is it right on part of govt asking us and making us survive in salary of Rs 11,000 ?
“With today cost of living being increasing day by day, when our doctors friends working outside AYUSH having good pay scale drawing salary of Rs 27,000, they govt must seriously consider implementing our salary, increasing bring on par with general doctors scale as notified in Najundappa report.
“If not we all AYUSH doctors majority will assemble in Benappa Park on November 14th 2011 and protest in demanding our demands to be met, we want health minister and concerned officials in AYUSH Director, Karnataka Mr Srikanthiah to take urgent steps in meeting our demand” said Dr Sanjiv Kumar.
CSB initiative a some kind of charity
CSB News for 4th Estate
Community Service of Bangalore (CSB) a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1998 by Mae Barr which has been doing some charity works by raising revenues by selling goods starting from November till December end of the year, and this year it was kicked off today 12th November 2011 at Palace Ground ,Eden Garden venue.
The practice followed since 1998, the CSB supports anyone interest in the activity of donating buying the goods ranging from cloths, toys, food items, cosmetics on their own, sell the goods and see the revenue generated thereby will be forwarded to CSB concerned chairities.
There are stalls put up for each one, while it is open for anyone from age of 18 years, so far 50 stalls are in place.
The proceedings of the revenue generated by various stalls will be donated to CSB, and CSB in turn will donate the money to various charities connected with CSB like- Shivasan Foundation, Association for the Mentally Challenged, Ashwini Charitable Trust.
Jeevodaya Child Care India, Divine Light Trust Care India, Divine Shanthi Christian Association and Trust, Agape Children Centre, Association for People with Physical Disability, Mahila Dakshata Samaj, Navachethana, Prerana Resource Centre.
CSB News for 4th Estate
Community Service of Bangalore (CSB) a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1998 by Mae Barr which has been doing some charity works by raising revenues by selling goods starting from November till December end of the year, and this year it was kicked off today 12th November 2011 at Palace Ground ,Eden Garden venue.
The practice followed since 1998, the CSB supports anyone interest in the activity of donating buying the goods ranging from cloths, toys, food items, cosmetics on their own, sell the goods and see the revenue generated thereby will be forwarded to CSB concerned chairities.
There are stalls put up for each one, while it is open for anyone from age of 18 years, so far 50 stalls are in place.
The proceedings of the revenue generated by various stalls will be donated to CSB, and CSB in turn will donate the money to various charities connected with CSB like- Shivasan Foundation, Association for the Mentally Challenged, Ashwini Charitable Trust.
Jeevodaya Child Care India, Divine Light Trust Care India, Divine Shanthi Christian Association and Trust, Agape Children Centre, Association for People with Physical Disability, Mahila Dakshata Samaj, Navachethana, Prerana Resource Centre.
Community News
Governor words of appreciation for Kodavas on the 100 years birth centenary celebration of the Kodava Samaj
Kodava community is well recognised for their valour, discipline said H.R Bharadwaj Governor of Karnataka while inaugurating the Kodava Samaja Bangalore 100th birth anniversary today 12th November 2011 at Palace Ground.
While delivering the inaugural speech, he made reminiscence of the his connection with army person from Kodava community during his schools and college days “familiar with the Kodava and came to know much from Brigadier General Thimappa at Shimla.
“When I had visited Madikeri as soon I was posted as Governor of Karnataka , I made visit to General Thimappa house to meet the ancestors, while no one was there.
To say of the Kodava, there are many from Kodava who have excelled in front of “sports, technology, academics, while there are many from kodagu, who have been in army and have served our country well , which is incomparable.
Governor Bharadwaj assured the community that “will do the best to see what can be done to the Kodava, so that they are front of every niche field in society, and thereby accommodated where their aspirations are met, will also put the word with govt in the best interest of the community”.
Bharadwaj had much appreciation for the Kodava community for their “discipline in the life, and the way of life, with community which have been in the Kodagu land of beautiful hill and scenaries have excelled ”
Bharadwaj also mentioned of the threat the tribals nestled in the western ghats whose interest he called on those in helm of powers to consider them “When last time secretly made visit to tribal area in Madikeri, saw, the tribals who have been living in very pitiable condition.
“Govt, forest officers, commissioners connected should do something, where they are accommodated without threatening the human ecological system in which they are living.”
Kodava Samaj which was started in 1911 then by interest General Field Marshal M.C Kariappa who wanted to foster the community interest which he represent made request with Jayachamaraj Wodeyar, who gave assent, but the samaja got the land during Gundu Rao erstwhile Chief Minister of Karnataka
Now Samaja which has its own office and vast spacious building at Vasanthnagar in Bangalore where throughout the year cultural programme and various activities take place connected with Kodvas.
Also present on the Centenary celebration occasion were-Ms Ichettira Prema Cariappa, Vice Chairperson Central Social Welfare Board, Mr Avaremadanda K.Monapppa Managing Director Hutti Gold Mines, Muruvanda K.Aiyappa Deputy Commissioner , Bangalore Urban District, Brigadier Kodandera Arjun Muthanna of Karnataka State Counter Terror Response Team.
Kodava community is well recognised for their valour, discipline said H.R Bharadwaj Governor of Karnataka while inaugurating the Kodava Samaja Bangalore 100th birth anniversary today 12th November 2011 at Palace Ground.
While delivering the inaugural speech, he made reminiscence of the his connection with army person from Kodava community during his schools and college days “familiar with the Kodava and came to know much from Brigadier General Thimappa at Shimla.
“When I had visited Madikeri as soon I was posted as Governor of Karnataka , I made visit to General Thimappa house to meet the ancestors, while no one was there.
To say of the Kodava, there are many from Kodava who have excelled in front of “sports, technology, academics, while there are many from kodagu, who have been in army and have served our country well , which is incomparable.
Governor Bharadwaj assured the community that “will do the best to see what can be done to the Kodava, so that they are front of every niche field in society, and thereby accommodated where their aspirations are met, will also put the word with govt in the best interest of the community”.
Bharadwaj had much appreciation for the Kodava community for their “discipline in the life, and the way of life, with community which have been in the Kodagu land of beautiful hill and scenaries have excelled ”
Bharadwaj also mentioned of the threat the tribals nestled in the western ghats whose interest he called on those in helm of powers to consider them “When last time secretly made visit to tribal area in Madikeri, saw, the tribals who have been living in very pitiable condition.
“Govt, forest officers, commissioners connected should do something, where they are accommodated without threatening the human ecological system in which they are living.”
Kodava Samaj which was started in 1911 then by interest General Field Marshal M.C Kariappa who wanted to foster the community interest which he represent made request with Jayachamaraj Wodeyar, who gave assent, but the samaja got the land during Gundu Rao erstwhile Chief Minister of Karnataka
Now Samaja which has its own office and vast spacious building at Vasanthnagar in Bangalore where throughout the year cultural programme and various activities take place connected with Kodvas.
Also present on the Centenary celebration occasion were-Ms Ichettira Prema Cariappa, Vice Chairperson Central Social Welfare Board, Mr Avaremadanda K.Monapppa Managing Director Hutti Gold Mines, Muruvanda K.Aiyappa Deputy Commissioner , Bangalore Urban District, Brigadier Kodandera Arjun Muthanna of Karnataka State Counter Terror Response Team.
Friday, November 11, 2011
With global demand, production of coffee need to be increased
Coffee Board and govt did its best in freezing and bailing out defaulters , while issue of shortage of labour can be addressed by mechanization said Jawaid Akhtar Chairman Coffee Board talking to L.Raghunanda of 4th Estate
By telling that except for some parts of the Coffee growing region in the state where it is affected by rain the prospect for output of Coffee is good this season said Jawaid Akhtar Chairman, Coffee Board, India
“The post-monsoon estimation of crop capturing the impact of monsoon rains is under progress and once it is completed by Coffee Board.
“Will have a scenario of what is the damage control measures can be taken by Coffee Board, board however can’t make a flimsy assumption” said Akhtar when 4th Estate contacted him.
Outlining about the global market scenario, when asked what will the demand for market with last year most of the Indian Coffee growers having got good price for coffee.
Because of Coffee production in South America –like Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica crop having failed in 2010, affected by snow and rain, during which Indian coffee got good market price, only in the face of demand.
Akhtar remarked “Global market can’t be predicted, market sometimes in fact is not moving, however there will be deficit of Coffee compared to global demand in the market.
“Coming to demand with regard to consumption pattern in comparsion with supply, when global coffee production is growing at 1 percent, consumption is growing at 2 percent per annum.
“But if we have to maintain the share of exports and sustain the domestic market requirements, we need to take steps to increase production at about 5 percent annum which is a big challenge
Now what producers worldwide have started taking better care of their crops thereby increasing the chances of increasing overall production by 2012-13, added to this 2012-12 is going to be the on-year for Brazil crop with estimations of all time record crop of about 60 million bags, being their share.
“Vietnam is also expected to deliver a bumper crop of about 20 million bags Columbia which is also reeling under crop setbacks for the past 3 years may also recover by next cropping year.
In India we are expected to get 30 million bags (all 60 kg bag) and produce a high crop, this may bring the surplus
‘As to market my feelings is that which is shared by other experts is that one should be cautious in gauging the market, to much spending by growers, the board just being compelled by some market forces propelled by any means and market getting adverse is worst scenario even to come to terms with.
“This year it is looking rosy, the demand for Coffee is more, the production target need to be enhanced or met while export so far from India according the statistics available till September is is 6,009,017 Metric Tons,
While export from Brazil it is 34,289,152, Metric Tons (MT) Vietnam 16,850,000, MT Columbia 8,064,439, MT Indonesia 5,487,357, MT Honduras 3,866,002, MT Guatemala 3,653, 933, MT Peru 3,556,338, MT Uganda 3,150,090, MT Ethiopia 3,022,385 MT
Approach in freezing of loan and bailing out defaulters
When asked what the progress Board taken in fulfilling the demand of the Coffee growers be it from Small scale and medium scale Coffee growers in freezing of the their loans while they many of them being defaulters, the episode seen from 2004 very seriously.
Akhtar was quick to comment that “ The board has made lot of progress, many small growers and large growers benefited by the freezing of the loans, since 2004
“For freezing of loans when therepresentatives from board, planters association like United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) and Karnataka Planters Association (KPA) also from banks approached government.
“Govt was ready to freeze loans also share of bailing out the Coffee planters the so called the defaulters to banks, where in freezing the loans, the central government has pumped money of Rs 450 crore as measure of bailing out
“But then bank also to help the planters has given loan in tune of Rs 150 crore by which account 1,20,000 coffee planters have benefited by debt relief package and resurgence measure of the board and govt taken jointly
Mechanization way forward to address shortage of labour
What the board move as to address the shortage of labour issues which is very serious issues among all kind of Coffee growers be it in small, medium or large estate “Coffee plantation work in estate can’t go without labour, this is known fact, take the example of Brazil, Costa Rica, Columbia etc., which has the largest area under Coffee.
“There also in those countries though mechanization and research as to come out with new machines and tools to supplement labour shortage is being seriously taken up, board in India has also been saying the same.
“There are machineries where you can get lot of work like in case of spraying in coffee estate, cutting the weed, now event there are technology and machine for drying the coffee seed soon after the coffee is plucked, pulped and then put for dryer.
“Dryer machine has come solace and a boon to many a planters especially in season when there is rain and coffee can’t be dried in drying yard, drying machine available starting at cost of Rs 4 lakhs where every growers has to make benefit.
Akthar mentioned of the Board of giving subsidy to planters those seeking machinery and board is doing it with those plantation machinery manufacturers whereby coffee planters with less than 20 acres will get subsidy of 50 percent while they go for purchasing the machines.
Coffee Board and govt did its best in freezing and bailing out defaulters , while issue of shortage of labour can be addressed by mechanization said Jawaid Akhtar Chairman Coffee Board talking to L.Raghunanda of 4th Estate
By telling that except for some parts of the Coffee growing region in the state where it is affected by rain the prospect for output of Coffee is good this season said Jawaid Akhtar Chairman, Coffee Board, India
“The post-monsoon estimation of crop capturing the impact of monsoon rains is under progress and once it is completed by Coffee Board.
“Will have a scenario of what is the damage control measures can be taken by Coffee Board, board however can’t make a flimsy assumption” said Akhtar when 4th Estate contacted him.
Outlining about the global market scenario, when asked what will the demand for market with last year most of the Indian Coffee growers having got good price for coffee.
Because of Coffee production in South America –like Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica crop having failed in 2010, affected by snow and rain, during which Indian coffee got good market price, only in the face of demand.
Akhtar remarked “Global market can’t be predicted, market sometimes in fact is not moving, however there will be deficit of Coffee compared to global demand in the market.
“Coming to demand with regard to consumption pattern in comparsion with supply, when global coffee production is growing at 1 percent, consumption is growing at 2 percent per annum.
“But if we have to maintain the share of exports and sustain the domestic market requirements, we need to take steps to increase production at about 5 percent annum which is a big challenge
Now what producers worldwide have started taking better care of their crops thereby increasing the chances of increasing overall production by 2012-13, added to this 2012-12 is going to be the on-year for Brazil crop with estimations of all time record crop of about 60 million bags, being their share.
“Vietnam is also expected to deliver a bumper crop of about 20 million bags Columbia which is also reeling under crop setbacks for the past 3 years may also recover by next cropping year.
In India we are expected to get 30 million bags (all 60 kg bag) and produce a high crop, this may bring the surplus
‘As to market my feelings is that which is shared by other experts is that one should be cautious in gauging the market, to much spending by growers, the board just being compelled by some market forces propelled by any means and market getting adverse is worst scenario even to come to terms with.
“This year it is looking rosy, the demand for Coffee is more, the production target need to be enhanced or met while export so far from India according the statistics available till September is is 6,009,017 Metric Tons,
While export from Brazil it is 34,289,152, Metric Tons (MT) Vietnam 16,850,000, MT Columbia 8,064,439, MT Indonesia 5,487,357, MT Honduras 3,866,002, MT Guatemala 3,653, 933, MT Peru 3,556,338, MT Uganda 3,150,090, MT Ethiopia 3,022,385 MT
Approach in freezing of loan and bailing out defaulters
When asked what the progress Board taken in fulfilling the demand of the Coffee growers be it from Small scale and medium scale Coffee growers in freezing of the their loans while they many of them being defaulters, the episode seen from 2004 very seriously.
Akhtar was quick to comment that “ The board has made lot of progress, many small growers and large growers benefited by the freezing of the loans, since 2004
“For freezing of loans when therepresentatives from board, planters association like United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) and Karnataka Planters Association (KPA) also from banks approached government.
“Govt was ready to freeze loans also share of bailing out the Coffee planters the so called the defaulters to banks, where in freezing the loans, the central government has pumped money of Rs 450 crore as measure of bailing out
“But then bank also to help the planters has given loan in tune of Rs 150 crore by which account 1,20,000 coffee planters have benefited by debt relief package and resurgence measure of the board and govt taken jointly
Mechanization way forward to address shortage of labour
What the board move as to address the shortage of labour issues which is very serious issues among all kind of Coffee growers be it in small, medium or large estate “Coffee plantation work in estate can’t go without labour, this is known fact, take the example of Brazil, Costa Rica, Columbia etc., which has the largest area under Coffee.
“There also in those countries though mechanization and research as to come out with new machines and tools to supplement labour shortage is being seriously taken up, board in India has also been saying the same.
“There are machineries where you can get lot of work like in case of spraying in coffee estate, cutting the weed, now event there are technology and machine for drying the coffee seed soon after the coffee is plucked, pulped and then put for dryer.
“Dryer machine has come solace and a boon to many a planters especially in season when there is rain and coffee can’t be dried in drying yard, drying machine available starting at cost of Rs 4 lakhs where every growers has to make benefit.
Akthar mentioned of the Board of giving subsidy to planters those seeking machinery and board is doing it with those plantation machinery manufacturers whereby coffee planters with less than 20 acres will get subsidy of 50 percent while they go for purchasing the machines.
Business News
Raise above excellence said Dr Jija Madhav Hari Singh calling on practising Company Secretaries of Southern Region, Bangalore chapter
Calling on the Company secretaries to raise above the excellence Dr Jija Madhav Hari Singh former Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Fire and Emergency Service, Karnataka called on practising company secretaries working under Southern regional chapter inaugurating the 6th Practising the 6th Southern Regional Conference of Practising Company here today
“That between competence, mergers and acquisition , financial disclosure auditing, cut throat competition and cost cutting measure excellence can’t be undermined” said Ms Harisingh
Dr Jija Madhav Hari Singh gave few tips of guidance to Company secretaries in their march towards excellence “Company secretaries must access the scenario thoroughly, see all stakeholders are with you, see that you are well informed”
Suresh Kumar Urban Affairs Minister, Karnataka while lauding the Company secretaries role said there is no other go but see that Company secretaries and corporate governance is the “mantra” but called on the Company Secretaries
“That they must see transparency accountability is maintained in the corporate governance and thereby see trust is maintained not within company but public at large”
The two day 6th Practising Company Secretaries of southern region which will have technical session where various issues will be discussed relevant to company secretaries so as to Foreign Exchange Management Act, about SME Stock Exchange, where expected company secretaries of Southern region took part.
People present on the occasion were-Suresh Kumar Urban Development Minister Karnataka Govt, , also present were working members of the Bangalore chapter of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
Those of them from southern regional chapter of ICSI like company secretaries like Nagendra D Rao, B. Ravi, Dwarkanath were also present on occasion
Calling on the Company secretaries to raise above the excellence Dr Jija Madhav Hari Singh former Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Fire and Emergency Service, Karnataka called on practising company secretaries working under Southern regional chapter inaugurating the 6th Practising the 6th Southern Regional Conference of Practising Company here today
“That between competence, mergers and acquisition , financial disclosure auditing, cut throat competition and cost cutting measure excellence can’t be undermined” said Ms Harisingh
Dr Jija Madhav Hari Singh gave few tips of guidance to Company secretaries in their march towards excellence “Company secretaries must access the scenario thoroughly, see all stakeholders are with you, see that you are well informed”
Suresh Kumar Urban Affairs Minister, Karnataka while lauding the Company secretaries role said there is no other go but see that Company secretaries and corporate governance is the “mantra” but called on the Company Secretaries
“That they must see transparency accountability is maintained in the corporate governance and thereby see trust is maintained not within company but public at large”
The two day 6th Practising Company Secretaries of southern region which will have technical session where various issues will be discussed relevant to company secretaries so as to Foreign Exchange Management Act, about SME Stock Exchange, where expected company secretaries of Southern region took part.
People present on the occasion were-Suresh Kumar Urban Development Minister Karnataka Govt, , also present were working members of the Bangalore chapter of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
Those of them from southern regional chapter of ICSI like company secretaries like Nagendra D Rao, B. Ravi, Dwarkanath were also present on occasion
Education News
Thinking of making compulsory education till age of 16 for children : Kageri
With intention about the taking primary education and secondary education in the state towards path of progress Visvesvaraya Hegde Kageri Primary and Secondary education minister mentioning about the path his ministry is taking in education in the state.
“Education should be aimed at not just sake of providing education or knowledge, but it should aim at providing quality education, where self efficiency, where self belief is strengthened and students are employed the education must aim at that”
He mentioned of that his ministry is thinking of making education till 10th standard compulsory, also in this direction he said “proposal is sent to central human resource ministry,”
“While as of now education till 8th standard was norm, which means till age of 14 years one child should get educated, but now what we are thinking in education ministry and department in Karanatka.
In fact proposal sent to central govt to increase the age of the child to get educated increased to age of 16 years which means child would have completed 10th standard by this time”
He made reminiscence of the Sarva Shiksha Abhyan started under Ataj Behari Vajpayee former Prime Minister of India where “Right to Education and ease of child labour is diminished means every child is literate, educated”
In the era when Information Communication is rapidly progressing ahead, Computer education has and is became relevant and so in this light “department will provide those schools where students studying in 10th standard having scored highest marks will receive two sets of computer”
And department is also thinking of having one subject “ Computer Science as part of the school curriculum from primary school, but that is where we are planning ”Said Vishvesvaraya Hegde Kageri Primary and Secondary Education minister said speaking on the occasion of inaugurating the “National Education Day -Right to Education” organised by Karnataka dept of education ,on the sidelines of the Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad birth day today ,
Also present on the occasion were Dinesh Gundu Rao MLA Chamrajpet, Kumar Nayak Education Commissioner Karnataka govt,
With intention about the taking primary education and secondary education in the state towards path of progress Visvesvaraya Hegde Kageri Primary and Secondary education minister mentioning about the path his ministry is taking in education in the state.
“Education should be aimed at not just sake of providing education or knowledge, but it should aim at providing quality education, where self efficiency, where self belief is strengthened and students are employed the education must aim at that”
He mentioned of that his ministry is thinking of making education till 10th standard compulsory, also in this direction he said “proposal is sent to central human resource ministry,”
“While as of now education till 8th standard was norm, which means till age of 14 years one child should get educated, but now what we are thinking in education ministry and department in Karanatka.
In fact proposal sent to central govt to increase the age of the child to get educated increased to age of 16 years which means child would have completed 10th standard by this time”
He made reminiscence of the Sarva Shiksha Abhyan started under Ataj Behari Vajpayee former Prime Minister of India where “Right to Education and ease of child labour is diminished means every child is literate, educated”
In the era when Information Communication is rapidly progressing ahead, Computer education has and is became relevant and so in this light “department will provide those schools where students studying in 10th standard having scored highest marks will receive two sets of computer”
And department is also thinking of having one subject “ Computer Science as part of the school curriculum from primary school, but that is where we are planning ”Said Vishvesvaraya Hegde Kageri Primary and Secondary Education minister said speaking on the occasion of inaugurating the “National Education Day -Right to Education” organised by Karnataka dept of education ,on the sidelines of the Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad birth day today ,
Also present on the occasion were Dinesh Gundu Rao MLA Chamrajpet, Kumar Nayak Education Commissioner Karnataka govt,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Agriculture News
Hope of robust coffee production in India this year: Akhtar
There would be good coffee production this year, with favourable rain, “the post blossom production coffee this year according our estimate would be placed around 3,22,250 metric tonnes” said Jawaid Akthar Chairman of Coffee Board, Bangalore
“With good rain the target we had set in last year that we will reach the 3.22 lakh Metric Tonnes (MT) that will be reached”
Mentioning about the record export last year “exported quality of coffee during last year was 2,90,394 MT, while the coffee growers were happy for this reason, that was because of the
prevailing market, so far the two years market was favourable to Indian coffee growers”
“And reason for securing good prices this year ,would be good opening stocks and this was optimistic outlook for Indian coffee even”
In his 30 minutes speech he mentioned of the of the global scenario of the coffee by mentioning “of year cycle in Brazil and production set backs in Columbia, Indonesia” whereby it might “result in the reduction of coffee by 3 percent”
On the consumption pattern it has increased “with consumption increasing in coffee growing region itself” with increase see in “Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and India as well as in the new markets like China, South Korea etc.,
While he expressed displeasure which many planters have expressed where timely work in coffee estate could not be completed on time like “shortage of workers” said Akhtar while addressing the gathering after inaugurating the conference organised by United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) jointly with Karnataka Planters Association (KPA) at Atria Hotel Bangalore.
Also present at the inaugural function Mr Sahadev Balakrishna, Chairman Karnataka Planters Association (KPA), D. Hegde President of UPASI,
The one day conference had experts like Ms Sunalini Menon CEO, Coffee Labs Pvt Ltd, Bangalroe, C.L.N Rao Head of Agronomy Department, Netafim, India, Ms Christine F.Jamal Vice President Tata Coffee Ltd,.
Who would be speaking on the various aspect of coffee starting with Coffee estate branding and micro lots of Coffee, drip nutrigation in Coffee plantation the Brazilian experience, the plantation trails experience.
There would be good coffee production this year, with favourable rain, “the post blossom production coffee this year according our estimate would be placed around 3,22,250 metric tonnes” said Jawaid Akthar Chairman of Coffee Board, Bangalore
“With good rain the target we had set in last year that we will reach the 3.22 lakh Metric Tonnes (MT) that will be reached”
Mentioning about the record export last year “exported quality of coffee during last year was 2,90,394 MT, while the coffee growers were happy for this reason, that was because of the

“And reason for securing good prices this year ,would be good opening stocks and this was optimistic outlook for Indian coffee even”
In his 30 minutes speech he mentioned of the of the global scenario of the coffee by mentioning “of year cycle in Brazil and production set backs in Columbia, Indonesia” whereby it might “result in the reduction of coffee by 3 percent”
On the consumption pattern it has increased “with consumption increasing in coffee growing region itself” with increase see in “Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and India as well as in the new markets like China, South Korea etc.,
While he expressed displeasure which many planters have expressed where timely work in coffee estate could not be completed on time like “shortage of workers” said Akhtar while addressing the gathering after inaugurating the conference organised by United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) jointly with Karnataka Planters Association (KPA) at Atria Hotel Bangalore.
Also present at the inaugural function Mr Sahadev Balakrishna, Chairman Karnataka Planters Association (KPA), D. Hegde President of UPASI,
The one day conference had experts like Ms Sunalini Menon CEO, Coffee Labs Pvt Ltd, Bangalroe, C.L.N Rao Head of Agronomy Department, Netafim, India, Ms Christine F.Jamal Vice President Tata Coffee Ltd,.
Who would be speaking on the various aspect of coffee starting with Coffee estate branding and micro lots of Coffee, drip nutrigation in Coffee plantation the Brazilian experience, the plantation trails experience.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Education News
Two day Indo-Global Education Summit 2011
For those aspiring and wish to pursue education overseas, universities collaboration
When students are rushing to US, Europe, Australia New Zealand, in search for studying, “ there is whole lot of seminar are taking place, consultants are guiding the students”,
“On the prospect of higher education, opportunities collaboration are also taking place between Indian Universities” said Maheshappa Vice Chancellor Vishvesvaraya Technological University
Maheshappa further added said “The two day summit will see Indian Universities signing Memorandum of Understanding, where universities want to share faculty, curriculum, but in future there will be time where this university curriculum will not only be taught here, but there will be faculty exchange program, and even campus, but that will take quite time”.
Two day Indo-Global Education Summit on 08.11.2011 at NIMHANS was inaugurated by N.Prabhudev Vice Chancellor Bangalore University, Bangalore Prof H.Maheshappa Visvesvaraya Technolgical University, Belgaum.
Also present on the occasion Jacques J. M.Shore Member,Board Of Governors, Carleton University, Canada, Justice M.Venkatachaliah Former Chief Justice of India, Prof Laode Mashihu Kamaluddin, President Sultan Agug Islamic University, Indonesia, Columbia
Two day summit will not only have university representatives from US, who would be involved in discussion, giving guidance to faculty, but student explaining of the education course, graduation, post graduation, but let you know of the procedure.
There will be one on one meetings between representatives of foreign universities of those of Indian institutions for academic collaborations, there will also be one on one meetings between Indian sponsors.
Some of the Universities and the representatives who are in the summit are –University of Virginia US, University of Tilburg Netherlands, University of North Texas USA, University of Texas US, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Sultan Agung Islamic University Indonesia, University College Cork, Ireland. National Open and Distance University UNAD, Colombia
For those aspiring and wish to pursue education overseas, universities collaboration
When students are rushing to US, Europe, Australia New Zealand, in search for studying, “ there is whole lot of seminar are taking place, consultants are guiding the students”,
“On the prospect of higher education, opportunities collaboration are also taking place between Indian Universities” said Maheshappa Vice Chancellor Vishvesvaraya Technological University
Maheshappa further added said “The two day summit will see Indian Universities signing Memorandum of Understanding, where universities want to share faculty, curriculum, but in future there will be time where this university curriculum will not only be taught here, but there will be faculty exchange program, and even campus, but that will take quite time”.
Two day Indo-Global Education Summit on 08.11.2011 at NIMHANS was inaugurated by N.Prabhudev Vice Chancellor Bangalore University, Bangalore Prof H.Maheshappa Visvesvaraya Technolgical University, Belgaum.
Also present on the occasion Jacques J. M.Shore Member,Board Of Governors, Carleton University, Canada, Justice M.Venkatachaliah Former Chief Justice of India, Prof Laode Mashihu Kamaluddin, President Sultan Agug Islamic University, Indonesia, Columbia
Two day summit will not only have university representatives from US, who would be involved in discussion, giving guidance to faculty, but student explaining of the education course, graduation, post graduation, but let you know of the procedure.
There will be one on one meetings between representatives of foreign universities of those of Indian institutions for academic collaborations, there will also be one on one meetings between Indian sponsors.
Some of the Universities and the representatives who are in the summit are –University of Virginia US, University of Tilburg Netherlands, University of North Texas USA, University of Texas US, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Sultan Agung Islamic University Indonesia, University College Cork, Ireland. National Open and Distance University UNAD, Colombia
Protest News
CITU today protested for increase in price rise, disinvestment
Central Indian Trade Union (CITU) workers today protested in front of SBM Circle, Bangalore demanding to bring down price rise of essential goods in the market, also govt approach to privatise public sector in both central and state.
The move to protest by CITU was taken at convention in Delhi on 7th September 2011, where the CITU decided to undertake to observe Satyagraha and Jail Bharo on 8th November 2011, where unless the demands are not met the protest will go on.
Along with CITU, other organisation which have given support for the protest were-Bharat Mazadoor Sang, All India Trade Union, Hindustan Mazdoor Sangh,
Speaking on the occasion H.V Ananth Subbarao said “ This UPA govt is not pro welfare govt but, Pro-capitalist govt, despite the call by people organisation , trade union , opposition . Still govt went ahead in rise of fuel hike, then rise in essential goods.
“Govt then went ahead with disinvestment, privatisation this year alone by privatisation it has raised Rs 40000 crore, while on the other hand there is no proper implementation of labour laws, no social security measures, no permanency of jobs.
“Though law is made to give gratuity, pension, provident fund, to workers in unorganised, but so far it has not been given.
“Our demand with govt is that UPA and here BJP govt in Karnataka should not contractualise of permanent jobs, and extending all benefits available to permanent workers to contract workers also.
“Amendment should be made to fix under minimum wages act where Rs 10000 per month for universalising the same.
“Removal of ceiling for payment of PF and bonus and increase in the amount of Gratuity, pension, compulsory registration of all trade unions within 45 days and ratification of decision of 87th and 98th conventions of International Labour Organsiation (ILO)
Central Indian Trade Union (CITU) workers today protested in front of SBM Circle, Bangalore demanding to bring down price rise of essential goods in the market, also govt approach to privatise public sector in both central and state.
The move to protest by CITU was taken at convention in Delhi on 7th September 2011, where the CITU decided to undertake to observe Satyagraha and Jail Bharo on 8th November 2011, where unless the demands are not met the protest will go on.
Along with CITU, other organisation which have given support for the protest were-Bharat Mazadoor Sang, All India Trade Union, Hindustan Mazdoor Sangh,
Speaking on the occasion H.V Ananth Subbarao said “ This UPA govt is not pro welfare govt but, Pro-capitalist govt, despite the call by people organisation , trade union , opposition . Still govt went ahead in rise of fuel hike, then rise in essential goods.
“Govt then went ahead with disinvestment, privatisation this year alone by privatisation it has raised Rs 40000 crore, while on the other hand there is no proper implementation of labour laws, no social security measures, no permanency of jobs.
“Though law is made to give gratuity, pension, provident fund, to workers in unorganised, but so far it has not been given.
“Our demand with govt is that UPA and here BJP govt in Karnataka should not contractualise of permanent jobs, and extending all benefits available to permanent workers to contract workers also.
“Amendment should be made to fix under minimum wages act where Rs 10000 per month for universalising the same.
“Removal of ceiling for payment of PF and bonus and increase in the amount of Gratuity, pension, compulsory registration of all trade unions within 45 days and ratification of decision of 87th and 98th conventions of International Labour Organsiation (ILO)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Technology News
Pionner audio major and car audio accessories manufacture today announced the launch of new Audio-Video Receivers, a Blu-ray and a DVD player in India.
Pioneer India Electronics Pvt Ltd, announced the launch of four new Audio-video receivers and a Blu –ray player to bring alive the cinematic experience to living rooms.
The new range of Pioneer receivers which include models VSX 521 K, VSX 821 K, VSX-921-K and VSK 1021-K,
A Blu –ray player BDP-440 and a DVD player DV-3022KV offer unparallel performance and advanced technologies. It encompasses exciting new features like Pioneer applications Airjam/i control AV2 for i Pod touch, i Phone, and i Pad, DLNA 1.5 certified and internet radio.
Speaking on the occasion of launch of Audio-Video Receivers, a Blu-ray and a DVD player in India Shingo Ikeuchi General Manager, Pioneer India Electronics Pvt Ltd. said “ The new range of receivers from Pioneer has the most advanced home audio technology, coupled with beautiful aesthetics.
“They are equipped with various features and a simple user interface. We are launching our first AV receivers and Blu-ray player in Bangalore as it is an important market for us and offers tremendous growth potential. The customer here are quite tech-savvy and look for quality and enhanced features”
Pioneer India Electronics Pvt Ltd, announced the launch of four new Audio-video receivers and a Blu –ray player to bring alive the cinematic experience to living rooms.
The new range of Pioneer receivers which include models VSX 521 K, VSX 821 K, VSX-921-K and VSK 1021-K,
A Blu –ray player BDP-440 and a DVD player DV-3022KV offer unparallel performance and advanced technologies. It encompasses exciting new features like Pioneer applications Airjam/i control AV2 for i Pod touch, i Phone, and i Pad, DLNA 1.5 certified and internet radio.
Speaking on the occasion of launch of Audio-Video Receivers, a Blu-ray and a DVD player in India Shingo Ikeuchi General Manager, Pioneer India Electronics Pvt Ltd. said “ The new range of receivers from Pioneer has the most advanced home audio technology, coupled with beautiful aesthetics.
“They are equipped with various features and a simple user interface. We are launching our first AV receivers and Blu-ray player in Bangalore as it is an important market for us and offers tremendous growth potential. The customer here are quite tech-savvy and look for quality and enhanced features”
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Local News
Madikeri district set an example for other districts among promotion of Devara Kadu known in English as sacred grove
If Madikeri district bears India’s largest and world one of the best Devara Kadu or sacred grove, it is because of community involvement, along with few other initiatives
“But here the role of Karnataka forest department, college of forestry located at Ponnampet, need to mention very much” said Dr Kushalappa Botany professor ,researcher on Devara Kadu, or sacred groves, at Forestry College, Ponnampet, Madikeri District.
Madikeri district which has 1214 sacred groves under 296 revenue villages, there are instance where nearly 4 sacred groves can be found in one village, this sacred groves are in 300 acres of land in three major taluks of Madikeri district that is Virajpet, Somwarpet, and Ponampet.
And within sacred groves, many varieties of sacred groves are found, something not found in in other districts and the varieties of like sacred groves are –Pavithra katte, Suggi devaravana, Hole devarakadu, Mutti kadu, Palli Kadu.
The good reason why sacred groves, was nicely functioning in this Madikeri Kushalappa said “ one is that, the tradition is very old, and more than that because the so called ‘coorg model’ is followed .
“In the sense starting from 2001-2002, under Joint Forestry Planning Management Department policy framed then under conservator of forest Mr Anur Reddy a formula was worked out, where sound village committee was constituted in each of the village where there were sacred groves.
“Where community sensitisation of those community living bordering or next to sacred groves was done, something now you can see in other districts where sacred groves are in place, they are following our practice.
“Temple committee was constituted, and if suppose a tree falls, and if the fallen tree comes within the jurisdiction of the sacred grove, and under the control of the village committee , the tree was given for temple for their use.
“Schools were engaged, those schools proximity to sacred grove, the school children were educated on importance of sacred grove, the flora and fauna of the sacred grove, even they were asked to plant a tree, that which we identified was part of the sacred grove plantation programme, with some of plants under the edge of extinction, were favoured.
“Fertiliser, or manure regeneration from within sacred grove was also explored, where villages and community centred farm cultivation benefited
“Intense research was also carried on the different aspects of sacred grove with focus on Madikeri alone, where nearly 10 master degree graduates in forestry took up their field study.
“Also in this regard 8 Ph.d was honoured under the auspice of the College of Forestry Ponammpet, whose suggestion on research was taken and given to forest department in Madikeri and even to this day, we have been improving and developing on it.
If Madikeri district bears India’s largest and world one of the best Devara Kadu or sacred grove, it is because of community involvement, along with few other initiatives
“But here the role of Karnataka forest department, college of forestry located at Ponnampet, need to mention very much” said Dr Kushalappa Botany professor ,researcher on Devara Kadu, or sacred groves, at Forestry College, Ponnampet, Madikeri District.
Madikeri district which has 1214 sacred groves under 296 revenue villages, there are instance where nearly 4 sacred groves can be found in one village, this sacred groves are in 300 acres of land in three major taluks of Madikeri district that is Virajpet, Somwarpet, and Ponampet.
And within sacred groves, many varieties of sacred groves are found, something not found in in other districts and the varieties of like sacred groves are –Pavithra katte, Suggi devaravana, Hole devarakadu, Mutti kadu, Palli Kadu.
The good reason why sacred groves, was nicely functioning in this Madikeri Kushalappa said “ one is that, the tradition is very old, and more than that because the so called ‘coorg model’ is followed .
“In the sense starting from 2001-2002, under Joint Forestry Planning Management Department policy framed then under conservator of forest Mr Anur Reddy a formula was worked out, where sound village committee was constituted in each of the village where there were sacred groves.
“Where community sensitisation of those community living bordering or next to sacred groves was done, something now you can see in other districts where sacred groves are in place, they are following our practice.
“Temple committee was constituted, and if suppose a tree falls, and if the fallen tree comes within the jurisdiction of the sacred grove, and under the control of the village committee , the tree was given for temple for their use.
“Schools were engaged, those schools proximity to sacred grove, the school children were educated on importance of sacred grove, the flora and fauna of the sacred grove, even they were asked to plant a tree, that which we identified was part of the sacred grove plantation programme, with some of plants under the edge of extinction, were favoured.
“Fertiliser, or manure regeneration from within sacred grove was also explored, where villages and community centred farm cultivation benefited
“Intense research was also carried on the different aspects of sacred grove with focus on Madikeri alone, where nearly 10 master degree graduates in forestry took up their field study.
“Also in this regard 8 Ph.d was honoured under the auspice of the College of Forestry Ponammpet, whose suggestion on research was taken and given to forest department in Madikeri and even to this day, we have been improving and developing on it.
Health News
Infertility in women to be covered under Insurance: S.A Ramdas
Govt at cost of Rs 100 crore is going to set up research centre in 10 medical college and 10 hospitals in the Karnataka will have department set up for Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Infertility
Three day medical congress “Life Sound Beyond Imagination 2011”on Ultrasound, Infertility and Fetal Medicine attended by best of the practioners from India and abroad which started from yesterday was today inaugurated by S.A Ramdas Medical Education Minister, (the congress is from 28th October to 30th October 2011)
The congress which has experts especially from Gynaecology, three day conference deliberation will have lecture after which discussion will proceed as to infertility, trimester screening, biophysical profile, ovarian syndrome etc.,
With some best doctors in gynaecology Mr Kamini A.Rao, Kuldeep Jain, Madhuri Patil, Anu Kottar and Preiti Venkatesh will deliver their lecture.
Speaking on the occasion of inauguration of congress S.A Ramdas said “ It is good that this kind of congress is being organised under title “Life-Sound Beyond Imagination 2011, and here I would thank Kamin Rao who is organiser of this congress.
“Government will seriously consider the outcome of this congress in formulating the policy related to infertility, fetal medicine, govt is similarly trying to host one more conference in December from 5th to 16th .
“As it is known that research is going very rapidly in field of infertility, complication the women face and there is much advancement and technology is there to address various issue faced by women as to infertility government will see that this technology will be made available to all women, especially this must reach rural women in particular.
“From medical education and health ministry side government will have serious discussion with university vice chancellor especially from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and see how course related to Obstetrics, Gynaecology, infertility is been made as training course part of curriculum for those in medical profession.
“As to recommendation coming from Dr Kamini Rao as to non affordability of taking infertility medicine, taking pre and post scanning on various infertility disorder by women, both in urban and rural poor women based on high cost involved
“ Rao suggested infertility to be covered under insurance, govt is thinking of covering it or bring under insurance cover, for which govt is also thinking of covering and brining under insurance just like other health aspect being brought under insurance, in coming months this will be looked by government.
“Govt at cost of Rs 100 crore is going to set up research centre in 10 medical college and 10 hospitals in the Karnataka will have department set up for Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Infertility, this will benefit in getting the expertise and women patients benefit by it,
To a question posed by reporter on the irregularities in the examination of those taking Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET) or Post Graduate Admission Test ( PGAT) recently with student offering money for passing examination what has govt done to stem tide.
Ramdas said “ I myself has received call from student where faculty and management involving in it for all this one man committee under Sudha Rao has been constituted and this will I hop will go long way in finding the irregularities.
“On the occasion it is also to be said that those student and faculty , whoever involved, no matter they be in higher post will be dismissed and their name will be taken out from medical list under where they are registered, there MBBS degree will also be stripped out.
“Transparency aspect is also looked by medical education ministry last time in nursing examination CCTV camera was instilled where the examination was conducted this was done in Dharwad, Shimoga and Mysore, the same will be done as to other examination that will be held under the aegis of the govt.
As to another question asked by reporter about the nomination of director to leading hospital and college like Kidwai how transparent is this nomination is going on, to the question Ramdas said “ Very much transparent manner those who are best qualified able, and have many research paper presented and known nationally and internationally will be nominated for the director post.
Govt at cost of Rs 100 crore is going to set up research centre in 10 medical college and 10 hospitals in the Karnataka will have department set up for Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Infertility
Three day medical congress “Life Sound Beyond Imagination 2011”on Ultrasound, Infertility and Fetal Medicine attended by best of the practioners from India and abroad which started from yesterday was today inaugurated by S.A Ramdas Medical Education Minister, (the congress is from 28th October to 30th October 2011)
The congress which has experts especially from Gynaecology, three day conference deliberation will have lecture after which discussion will proceed as to infertility, trimester screening, biophysical profile, ovarian syndrome etc.,
With some best doctors in gynaecology Mr Kamini A.Rao, Kuldeep Jain, Madhuri Patil, Anu Kottar and Preiti Venkatesh will deliver their lecture.
Speaking on the occasion of inauguration of congress S.A Ramdas said “ It is good that this kind of congress is being organised under title “Life-Sound Beyond Imagination 2011, and here I would thank Kamin Rao who is organiser of this congress.
“Government will seriously consider the outcome of this congress in formulating the policy related to infertility, fetal medicine, govt is similarly trying to host one more conference in December from 5th to 16th .
“As it is known that research is going very rapidly in field of infertility, complication the women face and there is much advancement and technology is there to address various issue faced by women as to infertility government will see that this technology will be made available to all women, especially this must reach rural women in particular.
“From medical education and health ministry side government will have serious discussion with university vice chancellor especially from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and see how course related to Obstetrics, Gynaecology, infertility is been made as training course part of curriculum for those in medical profession.
“As to recommendation coming from Dr Kamini Rao as to non affordability of taking infertility medicine, taking pre and post scanning on various infertility disorder by women, both in urban and rural poor women based on high cost involved
“ Rao suggested infertility to be covered under insurance, govt is thinking of covering it or bring under insurance cover, for which govt is also thinking of covering and brining under insurance just like other health aspect being brought under insurance, in coming months this will be looked by government.
“Govt at cost of Rs 100 crore is going to set up research centre in 10 medical college and 10 hospitals in the Karnataka will have department set up for Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Infertility, this will benefit in getting the expertise and women patients benefit by it,
To a question posed by reporter on the irregularities in the examination of those taking Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET) or Post Graduate Admission Test ( PGAT) recently with student offering money for passing examination what has govt done to stem tide.
Ramdas said “ I myself has received call from student where faculty and management involving in it for all this one man committee under Sudha Rao has been constituted and this will I hop will go long way in finding the irregularities.
“On the occasion it is also to be said that those student and faculty , whoever involved, no matter they be in higher post will be dismissed and their name will be taken out from medical list under where they are registered, there MBBS degree will also be stripped out.
“Transparency aspect is also looked by medical education ministry last time in nursing examination CCTV camera was instilled where the examination was conducted this was done in Dharwad, Shimoga and Mysore, the same will be done as to other examination that will be held under the aegis of the govt.
As to another question asked by reporter about the nomination of director to leading hospital and college like Kidwai how transparent is this nomination is going on, to the question Ramdas said “ Very much transparent manner those who are best qualified able, and have many research paper presented and known nationally and internationally will be nominated for the director post.
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