Child Prodigy singing sensation
Fourth Estate
She was no mean child, at age of 2 years she was introduced to singing, we are saying about none other than Manya Udupi eight year old child singing sensation.
Manya introduced to many form of singing ranging from folk songs to patriotic songs, she is good in singing poem of Kannada poets, also she sings song from Hindi, Marathi.
So far she is the only singer in the age group of eight and below , who holds the distinction of having given more than 200 stage performance.
Manya’s singing talent has got the attention of not just music lovers her in Karnataka, but country as a whole, she got the appreciation of former president of India Dr A.P.J Kalam, and present Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde.
She has won many laurels to a name a few are Dream Yuva Award 2011, Balavedike 2009, Vishwa Kannada Kanmani,
Talking about the singing how it was nurtured , when fourth estate caught up with Veena Udupi, mother of Manya Udupa she said “ when she was a child at age 2 years, while we used to speak casually she used to convey , communicate speak anything by singing, it was then, we identified her singing talent and wanted to project her and give platform.
“The recognition of talent in her never proved wrong, she is today youngest child singing sensation in future groomed accordingly will emerge as leading singer, that is what we are wishing and she has same notion”.
What need to be mentioned of the Manya Udupa is of the even though she is young and not faced the spectators of such far amount who throng to see her singing on stage, little girl never get tense nor nervous.
There are many of her performance which need mentioning to name a to 25 minutes non stop performance she gave at Balbavan Bangalore under Balavedike Programme, two hours light music concert last year at Mysore Dasara, one of the performance at Vishwa Kannada Sammellan in 2011 in Belgaum last year, where it was held.
Young girl who had awakened many more children of her age and younger one’s has to be seen how she will evolve as singer, there is however, no dearth of talent in Karnataka, and Manya is one example, only time will tell is she in the ranks of Asha Bhosle and Latha Mangeskar of Karnataka.
Its machine that replaced man at dhobi ghat Malleshwaram
While Vyalikaval laundryman or washer man den as it popularly, which was in existence for last 70 years has seen light of its day with cloths being washed through mechanization process, previously while 250 families and 1,000 people relied or were working in this dobhi ghat.
4th Estate
Ashwatnarayan MLA of Malleshwaram, who had came to this place during last election for campaigning saw the condition of washerman/washerwoman here, then he thought what can be done to improve the condition, when mechanization was already in place.
He thought why not introduce it here and with Ramson’s engineering already who were leader in supplying mechanized washing unit to hotels in the way large cloths were washed through mechanization in hotels etc, was installed here, on 12th December 2009.
This is what Ravi Shankar and Anjanappa who are staying in housing quarters provide by them close to Vyalikavala said about how they felt about mechanization before and after it was introduced said “ really we must thank Malleshwaram MLA Ashwatnarayana and BBMP our lives have transformed, with so much energy ,washing in the pond be it rain or sunshine and that too using chemicals has all come to end with mechanization, we are happy”.
With 18 washerman or laundry den or popularily known by local name ‘dobhi ghat’ in Bangalore starting with each one at Yeshwanthpur, Rajajinagar 6th block, Laggere near Tirumala palace choultry, in Nagarbhavi near Papareddypalya, Ashok nagar, Queens road, Vasanthnagar, Fraser road, Kadagondanahlli, Banashankari II stage, Srinagar, Kempegowdanagar, Madiwala, Vannarapet, Ulsoor, Hebbal, Atoor Layout, Yelankha.
“While the life of washerman/washerwoman has been reduced to few years to just 25 from the day they take to this profession, to render service as they have to render their service using soda caustic, chemicals which are harmful to wash the cloth, but with the great help of Ashwathnarayan MLA of Malleshwaram.
This mechanization process in the way the cloths are washed has transformed the life of many washerman, it’s a blessing” says Puttarangiaha Secretary of Vyalikaval Dobhighat at Malleshwaram and secretary of State Madiwala Sangha
“Here nearly 15,000 to 20,000 cloths can be washed each day, these has taken 60 % strain the people engaged in this profession who were facing previously, had to bear while the rate for each cloth washed till it dried varies for example towels, small cloth.
We charge 50 paise for large cloth we charge 80 paise to Rs 1 and more, however what we charge is very less compared to the same cloth given for any other posh commercial laundry unit, and the what they charge” Says Puttarangiaha
“But we are proud to say that even other private laundry person like Singapore Dry cleaners, Simla Dry cleaners, Band box come to us to get wash their cloths, many leading lodges cloths come to us, also apartments and homes cloth comes to us” says Puttarangiaha.
Built in 2400 sq ft area, these laundry factory was built at cost of 2.25 crore, with the help of BBMP, all funded by BBMP, these mechanized washing factory premise has just 8 person who will look after everything from putting cloths to last stage of delivery, till cloths are put for dry, while inside the factory there are five washing machine of different washing capacity one carrying 200 kg two carrying 100 kg and two carrying 50 kg respectively.
Any cloth that is washed need to be carried to next stage that is drying, the factory has four drying machine known as Hydro extractor which will squeeze whole of the water where 80% of whole water in the cloth is extracted these extractor of various capacity can be seen installed in the factory two of which carrying is 50 kgs and the other two carrying capacity is 30 kg
After water is extracted from cloth under Hydro extractor, then cloth is taken for drying there are seven drier, installed inside the factory which carry out drying, the cloth are dried from steam supplied to each of the dryer, from boiler through pipe wherein boiler runs through firewood burning where nearly 1 ton of fire wood is needed each day while each of these drier are of 30 kgs carrying capacity.
“Unlike domestic washing machine at home here chemicals used are of industrial and institutional chemicals prepared by finest chemical laboratories such as Jyothi Laboratories and Atlantic chemicals, though it contain properties just like chemicals you use in your home while you wash cloths they are of good quality.
“With high degree of cleaning agents present in them, more than that these washing machine require to be put those chemicals” says R.Vasu, BBMP Washing Unit operator at Vyalikaval Malleshwaram Dobhi ghat, who also is also technician who will be at the unit from morning 9: 30 till evening 6 O clock.
When asked about how much time it require to wash each cloth he says “ Whether it is washing, extracting or drying in each process 45 minutes to one hour is required, while cotton cloth dry at 80 degree temperature under dryer, synthetic and other cloth dry at 50 degree temperature” says R.Vasu, BBMP Washing Unit operator at Vyalikaval Malleshwaram Dobhi ghat,
“While sufficient water is there to wash these cloth, but consider about the ecological and environment aspect with option to recycle these water, next to these unit recycling unit will come into place where washed cloth will be recycled, BBMP is studying at it for the moment, similarly while now manually cloth are ironed at the moment, at top floor, option are looked up at how manual ironing can be avoided” says Puttarangiaha.
When asked what other demand or request you have made to government Puttarangiaha has this to say “ while weavers in Karnataka were given electricity subsidy, we are requesting similar subsidy to be given to us washerman, now to run this unit, electricity cost come around Rs 40,000 per month which we are paying to BESCOM,” “while chemicals we use cost RS 80,000 per month”
“Having Vyalikaval as model Dobhi ghat unit ,BBMP is thinking of allotting 10 crore to improve other Dobhi ghat in the city” Puttarangiaha said to 4th Estate
Drug discovery regulatory framework costing the delivery of drug and pharmaceutical industry
The way drug regulatory framework is in place in country is the cause for frustration among Bio tech industry, especially among bio-pharma sectors says Dr Rashmi H.Barbhaiya CEO and Managing Director of Advinus Therapeutics Ltd, Mumbai
4th Estate
While it is expressed under different platform, even in committee level under ministry of health, govt of India from stage of protocol submission, pre -clinical drug trial test, it takes nearly 6 months in India for the drug to get approval for drug, which is not the case in US, European countries, this is costing the Indian Pharmaceutical industry.
Barbhaiya said “Advinus which had successfully come out under best clinical trial for discovery of molecule which could be therapeutic drug for cancer treatment when used among other bio- similar lost $ 4 billion just because of 18 months delay.
“Who is to account for the loss, who is the sufferer, at the end it is patient, when you want best affordable life saving drugs to be brought after various clinical trials and test, and proven under the efficacy, it need to be brought out being manufactured as drug , it is to too much frustrating type of regulatory framework
“ I just don’t know who came with that kind of story, under highest ethical practice followed within bio-pharma or for that matter any bio technology and allied industry clinical trials are normal procedure, that is what pharma co-vigilance is all about, need for scrutiny of drugs being recommended to humans.
No one is made guinea pigs, even if trials were made using rodents or other animals, it is receptive factor for such molecule and for drug and how one responds it is the factor, so with that much clinical trials.
“ Even under the most adverse condition under particular dosage it will tried on humans, somebody may ask question why it need to be tried on humans ? Because whatever drugs today discovered if it was discovered to treat human beings, it need to be tried on humans in later stage
“Clinical trials under different phases are well accepted, we are asking why so much delay once protocol submission made known under Investigation for New Drug (IND) and being approved by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) why such kind of delay.
As of now each protocol under drug discovery procedure need to get approval from various ministry is it necessary? while going through clinical trial just see the protocol has to get clearance of ministry of environment and forestry, commerce and industry, Indian Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) is something undoing .
When everybody from industry and academia, to research taken keen interest in drug discovery for new drugs, the first of disappointment comes with regulatory framework, this regulatory framework as to clinical trials, drug discovery need to be reviewed, there is need to speed up.
Time to accept Micro brewery culture and give up the pale beer that comes in bottles
4th Estate
If one is going for the best beer it is nothing than handcrafted micro-brewery, because it offers the different flavours and a taste within the brewery be it handcrafted beers
And what gives its superiority is for its taste, body of the brew and for overall flavour and robusteness .After drinking micro brewed beer, customers never want to return to the mass produced bland pale beer that comes in bottles and cans
What is available among the best of the European micro brewery is made available in India for first time in very own Bangalore by Shivsu Canada Pure Fillers who were already into manufacture of Pet Bottle Blowing Machine.
Pet Bottle Rinser Filler Capper, Glass Bottle Washer Filler Capper, Polycarbonate Washer Filler Capper, Liquor and Beverage Packaging Machinery.
Coming to microbrewery“ You ask strawberry, lemon, peach you have the flavour in the microbrewery, and this flavour comes with the beer and the Shivsu one of the brewery in Lavelle road offers it.
“The technology was not there in India, but in order to inculcate the best of the breweries culture in India, pub culture came into”. “Shivsu Canada Pure Fillers tied up with Belgium’s PRODEB Brewery to tap the Country’s Brewery Market.
While its plan is to launch many micro breweries and brewpubs in India with having begun in Bangalore, it will be taken to other cities” said Mr. Somasunder, Vice President – Marketing, Shivsu Canada Pure Fillers Pvt. Ltd.
When asked with Somasunder on whether market is there to foster such a brewery culture he said “The demand for Beer is growing at the rate of 25 to 30 percent per annum in India and Shivsu wants to capitalize the opening of micro brewery by requesting to the govt to grant license in several states in India.
“ It expects to establish at least 75 to 100 micro breweries at an investment of Rs. 1.5 Crore to 2 crores each by the end of Financial Year 2011-12 in various states in India amounting to a turnover of Rs. 100 to 150 crore annually and provide job opportunity to over 1500 people.
About the types of the drinks that will be offered by Shivsu Somasunder said “As of now lager or ales along with exciting flavours of beers such as Apple, Peach, Litchi, Kriek and Chocolate .“But in few months from now it expects to launch Stout beers as well as Artizanal beers as well as a special beer for women in the offing.
And why the preference to go with Belgium brewery technology Somasunder said “We believe that the finest beers in the world are manufactured in Belgium and we would like the Indian market to taste freshly brewed beer with the recipe from the leading brands and brew masters from Belgium.
“As time goes it will be well understood by any one in India who want to enter the market that micro breweries will not only offer a wide variety to the Indian consumers but also to the international tourist.
This would add a big boost to the Indian tourism industry. While Americans and Europeans have more than 2500 micro breweries brewpubs why not we can same numbers in India in the coming years?”
Coming to the cost, any beer produced within handcrafted microbrewery will not cost more, infact the price is economical and affordable usually if it is taken in litres cost come around Rs 200-350.
Kite flyers, they have all took it as a passion.
4th Estate
Names familiar, and those who took to kite flying by wafting kite to wind encouraging kids Diganth Joshi from Vadodara Gujarath, Abdul Malik from Ahmedabad and Rishi Zaveri, all in common showed how much fun is there in kite flying, mind it for them kite flying is not profession, but passion
Diganth Joshi belonging to Vadodara team was not just kite flyer but educator for students on aeronautics, rocketry, kite flying through his centre located at Vadodora known as Testation Activity Centre.
“From 1994 as individual, I started kite designing, making and flying as activity, initially I took part in kite festival conducted in Gujarath where kite flying event commonly now and then take place, kite flying was my passion, but teaching was my profession, but as a hobby fun and passion.
“I continued with this hobby, as I had spare time , however my family wholeheartedly support me, even my wife and kids are part of my team commonly known as Diganth Joshi Vadodara Kite Flying Team” says Diganth Joshi when asked about his passion for kite flying.
When asked what is interesting in your kite Joshi said “ Shrimataji is popular god in Gujarath and Durga is all worshipped equally in Gujarath, this two gods are taken as theme for my kites.
“I took part in many kite national and state level kite festival,at concluded Belgaum kite festival in middle week of January 2011 I was there, in 2010 our team took part in International Kite flying festival held at France similarly in Malaysia” said Joshi when asked about his team participation at various kite flying event.
Abdul Malik another Gujarathi, from Ahmedabad who has many records and Guinnees Book of World Record for having designing smallest kite, infact miniature kite just measuring 10mm which alighted in air for 2 to 3 metres
Malik has this to say “ first of all kite flying interest me, at young age I used to see my father designing kites, making kites and flying it, he was skillful kite flyer, at once he used to fly 10 to 12 kite just managing it in one hand, today following him I am able to fly mange hundreds of kites by both hands, mind you it is not minature kits but normal kites children play with it.
When asked how so many kites flying be managed by one person “ You should launch kite suddenly one after another, and keeping thread tied to each of the finger you need balance it, but steady wind is a requisite, after tremendous experimentation and practice I was able to do it said Malik.
“ Kites that I fly has some message to be taken down by society in India that is I have kites designed resembling bull, tiger . In India cow slaughter has created religious animosity among section of community, similarly tiger population has come down in India, these animal must be protected, so there is need to protect it, so through kite whenever I take to kite flying in festival in India I fly these kites” said Malik when asked about uniqueness of kites, and is there any message to pass on.
Rishi Zaveri the city based Kite flyer, the sole kite flyer in Bangalore Kite festival 2011 who is studying at PES college Banashankari II stage studying Bachelor of Business Management(BBM), said “I am in final year who took to kite flying only of late.”
Zaveri said“ I am taking part in Bangalore Kite festival for second time, I am not among the biggest names of Kite flying fraternity to which belong Joshi, Malik but fascination passion for kite flying will never die, for this year festival I have designed tricolour flag resembling kite, it is afloat in air.
“While I have designed kites, but coming to the festival you will be able to know wide variety of kites, flat kites, aerofoil giant kites, so it is interesting to see, even lot of children enjoy this kites,
“ After seeing these kites, I have decided to design aerofoil and flat kites ,but as student making these kites is very costly you have to spend from thousand to lakhs of rupees, those aerofoil material and tough cotton thread used as bridle and controller more than that it takes a lot of days to design it and make it once” said Zaveri on trend of kite flying as hobby thriving in Bangalore.
It is now IT which has come to aid of textile and apparel manufacturers.
4th Estate
Exilant Technologies Pvt Ltd is the first to come with this kind of what called Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) solution, in this sector.
Three of the Software engineer who left Infosys to start their own venture, came out of Infosys to do something better for this sector textile and apparel sector started Exilant Technologies Pvt Ltd in 2004.
Now Exilant technologies has been providing mission critical solutions to Fortune 500 clients in India, in the city it among its clients being Texport garments, Jaskay exports, while its client in whole of India has been growing everyday.
Coming to the services Sathya Kumar of Exilant Technologies said “ The IT technology is made best use, under ERP, everything is planned, here you can see intelligent manufacturing in place, without one not losing profitability, improving organizational bottlenecks.
“Whether you are service procurer or service provider being part of Apparel manufacturing or textile manufacturing, you just order, the specification of product, design and it will be delivered to you at your time.
“Entire business cycle is taken care of starting from order confirmation, and tools are all available , cost approval all being flexible, also workflow, data flows across modules eliminating data entry redundancy”.
“Set budgets, control expenditure within budget ,extensive costing module, in built formulae to calculate consumption based on specifications, track material consumption for a deliverable throughout the production cycle”.
At the end what is aimed through giving ERP solutions be it towards apparel and textile manufacture is that enterprise is being intelligent manufacturing.
Dinku and playful act, and there lies Indushree Ravindra talent
It is certainly one of the finest performing arts, while ventriloquist are hard to be found in India especially female, there is one ventriloquist and magician Indushree Ravindra.
4th Estate
“With encouragement and support of my father I was able to take these art, father encouraged me in every way, even he guided how this art works, thereby he made me proficient in Ventriloquism also in magic” says Indushree
My grand father Nanjappa who hails from Konanoor , Arekalgudu Taluk, Hassan District was drama artist and used to direct play, was part of Gubbi Veranna Troupe.
“It was in our lineage to take this art, my father who was multifaceted personality-dramatist, singer, dancer, ventriloquist himself, who works in Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) in electrical maintenance division in spite of his busy schedule was able to give me a hand and asked me to take this art at age of six, these has brought me to this state” when asked whether how this art evolved within you.
So much of hard work has gone in cultivating these art, and not for just sake of art these art has been cultivated and performed with dummy dolls but there are other aspects to it.
‘Dinku’ the familiar doll you might have seen in various programme both in television and in stage, with act of humorous dialogue voice, nodding of the head making everyone has not been just able to entertain you but reach heart and minds of common people in educating, bringing awareness of many social issues and stigma attached with AIDS/HIV, H1N1 these is where real purpose is served says Indushree.
“She took part in World Ventriloquist Convention held in USA, and it is for first time an Indian, female and also Kannadiga has taken part something I am proud of my daughter “ says Ravindra.
“Her another feat to remember is that she was the only one to give voice and act simultaneously with three dolls, something unique feat even appreciated by Dan Horn world famous and noted Ventriloquist from USA” says Ravindra
“Making real dog speak, laugh like man, this was shown in Sony television channel under ‘ Entertainment Keliya Kuchi Bhi Karega, in this competition Indushree not only won admiration of audience but was runner up among a lot of participant” says Indushree father Ravindra, man behind her show and who constantly accompanies her.
More than 3,000 shows has been given by Indushree, so far, toured seven countries, but these art must be fostered, it must given encouragement
In future, we are going to try with four dolls, give voice act by giving voice, with excellent script, tones something unique, need hard work but something we are really going to do it” said Indushree when asked what is your future attempt in this respect as creating unique feat
More than 3,000 shows has been given by Indushree, so far, toured seven countries, but these art must be fostered and encouraged for others to take this art, is what Ravindra says.
Dinku and playful act, and there lies Indushree Ravindra talent
It is certainly one of the finest performing arts, while ventriloquist are hard to be found in India especially female, there is one ventriloquist and magician Indushree Ravindra.
4th Estate
“With encouragement and support of my father I was able to take these art, father encouraged me in every way, even he guided how this art works, thereby he made me proficient in Ventriloquism also in magic” says Indushree
My grand father Nanjappa who hails from Konanoor , Arekalgudu Taluk, Hassan District was drama artist and used to direct play, was part of Gubbi Veranna Troupe.
“It was in our lineage to take this art, my father who was multifaceted personality-dramatist, singer, dancer, ventriloquist himself, who works in Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) in electrical maintenance division in spite of his busy schedule was able to give me a hand and asked me to take this art at age of six, these has brought me to this state” when asked whether how this art evolved within you.
So much of hard work has gone in cultivating these art, and not for just sake of art these art has been cultivated and performed with dummy dolls but there are other aspects to it.
‘Dinku’ the familiar doll you might have seen in various programme both in television and in stage, with act of humorous dialogue voice, nodding of the head making everyone has not been just able to entertain you but reach heart and minds of common people in educating, bringing awareness of many social issues and stigma attached with AIDS/HIV, H1N1 these is where real purpose is served says Indushree.
“She took part in World Ventriloquist Convention held in USA, and it is for first time an Indian, female and also Kannadiga has taken part something I am proud of my daughter “ says Ravindra.
“Her another feat to remember is that she was the only one to give voice and act simultaneously with three dolls, something unique feat even appreciated by Dan Horn world famous and noted Ventriloquist from USA” says Ravindra
“Making real dog speak, laugh like man, this was shown in Sony television channel under ‘ Entertainment Keliya Kuchi Bhi Karega, in this competition Indushree not only won admiration of audience but was runner up among a lot of participant” says Indushree father Ravindra, man behind her show and who constantly accompanies her.
More than 3,000 shows has been given by Indushree, so far, toured seven countries, but these art must be fostered, it must given encouragement
In future, we are going to try with four dolls, give voice act by giving voice, with excellent script, tones something unique, need hard work but something we are really going to do it” said Indushree when asked what is your future attempt in this respect as creating unique feat
More than 3,000 shows has been given by Indushree, so far, toured seven countries, but these art must be fostered and encouraged for others to take this art, is what Ravindra says.
Daring woman photographer of the earlier era
India’s first women photographer and photographer par excellence of India’s freedom movement Homai Vyarawalla
4th Estate
Vyarawalla who was very much close to various diplomatic mission might have led her to take photos of leading personalities, events and tumultous period in history of India- partition, but says “ there was absolutely no restriction for anyone to take photograph, and my affinity with persons noted and not so noted ,diplomatic mission helped me.
Vyarawalla who took photos from 1937 till 1970 now aged 98 frail old lady who has been confined to wheel chair, with someone need to assist her kept the same humoric tone something seen in her own photos even said “With myself being the only female photographer at that time, jostled between not just other male photographers but huge crowd to get the real picture”.
Reminiscence of the time Vyarawalla said “ Three of the instance are very much etched in my memory, when Earl Warren the then Chief Justice of USA when he had came to India and was visiting Taj Mahal, I was so engrossed in taking his photos that I fell to water bed surrounding the Taj , then everyone who noticed just said what happened what happened!.
“ Then Dr B.R Ambedkar being the noted figure then when he was entering the Parliament house, eager to take photograph of him, Dr B.R Ambedkar having noticed me struggling between crowd to get the photo stopped me and asked me ‘what were you doing in that rough crowd’ without taking notice of camera and I being photographer, who was to there to take his photograph”.
Vyarawalla who doesn’ t have the strong memory how many photographs she has taken “ it might be more than thousand, in span of three to four decades having being taken photos often now and then, those number can’t be kept”.As one of the leading photographer, that too women photographer to get photo of Bhakra Nangal she even climbed crane to get that beautiful Bhakra Nangal dam
Vyarawalla photographic life which spanned three decades during which she has captured photos of eminent personalities, president and prime ministers, festivals, fashion shows the unique attribute of quality of those photograph is the way it has been brought live, even climbed atop the truck in Sikkim to get glimpse of photo of Indian soldiers marching past the rugged terrain.
When asked with Vyarawalla what made photograph being brought so lively she said “ it was photo taken at split second, if those were not taken at that moment those photos would not have been lively or come real, I was alert all the time, but when it needed patience never drained out”.“Even though we never had such advanced camera of modern times, Speed Graphics which I got from US and Rolling Flexfrom Germany helped me to get right photos, and the most lively photograph however came from Speed Graphics.
“The most appealing photo so to say taken or in other words charming photo taken by my camera was of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Mount Batten, and photos of this personalities when taken off the record means when they were having fun ,frolicking with others at their privacy, not under any politicking made photos probably very alive”.
“It was my husband wish to be with him on January 30 1948 said Vyarawalla, I missed to take photos of Gandhi assassination, which I wanted at most to take that photo, because I admired Gandhi, not just chronicling the history of independence moment but his role overall was significant, so was his photo” said Vyarawalla.
Global fabric industry is right ahead
4th Estate
Global Fabrics industry being $ 400 billion industry at present, the industry which is growing at 25 percent as of now, will grow at 50 percent by 2014, according industry pundits.
China will have 45 percent of global share and India will have 20 percent of global share. While the rest of the market will be either shared by Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Egypt, Italy, South American countries of Brazil, Argentina.
“Strength of China is in fabric in nylons, we are the exporter of mosquito net fabric, nylon tricot, nylon tulle, and the demand is rising for Chinese products especially in Europe” said Sunny of Huacheng Knitting Com., Ltd
China known for selling Hot Stamping Foil for fabric and textile, has caught attention of everyone is the one which has got them world market.
Though Hot Stamping Foil for fabric is used in various fabric and textile, this technology Chinese have specialised the end product which comes having used this technology is in linen, polyster, nylon used in arab countries like Egypt, Turkey, Iran , the lifestyle as to their clothing suits and China has grabbed that market.
When it comes to design with regard to its use of Hot Stamping Foil in fabric , there are thousand of design which can be seen here. And what ensured the Chines their market is the lasting quality, and value added product only has got them market.
Where China stood from rest of the world, it is as of now known that “ China is largest producer of nylon, polyster, they are the great provider of this product in bulk, something India is not able to do it, in terms of normal fabric as to polyster, nylon, linen they give good quality and value added finish.
“ And if India has suffered is, what apparel manufacture, textile manufacture here suffer from it, is because there is not much government backing, even delivery model is not on time, means weak supply chain market so to say.
“India’s strength if at all to say is in natural fabric like cotton and silk fabric, in this area India has much design to show , something China won’t come closer”
“India has been producing 37.5 million bales of cotton the largest in the world and come closer to Egypt and last year even overpassed Egypt and China in its production ” said Mahesh Chandra based in China who source the nylon, linen, polyster products to Indian customers Chandra did not wanted to be identified, to which firm he works.
India has also best of technology so also the manufacturers in production of yarn “ Though the machine that used by most of yarn manufacturers here in India are sourced from Japan, or from other countries there are good number of globally well known Yarn manufacturers in India and our products are sold in Europe ,US and Australia.
India accounts to 25 percent of global yarn trade, and the yarn produced here is sold to global manufacturers like Levis, Wal Mart, JC Penny and Marks and Spencer.
“Be it Viscose yarn, Modal yarn, Tencel yarn, Bamboo and Cotton blended yarn, these yarn are much in demand outside world and India yarn especially ordered in more quantity, and there are instance where the customer have waited said Sundaresh Technical Manager at Pallava Textile Limited, Erode Tamilnadu which is one the largest exporter of quality yarn from India.
ICT and its focus
Seminar aimed at harnessing the power of ICT to mobilise and to reach out to the future generations
4th Estate
Under the flagship project Climate EduXchange, an initiative of TERI and DELL one day seminar organized to discuss harnessing the power of ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) reached out to students and teachers on key issues related to climate change, schools, colleges, academia representatives, NGOs, and Youth organizations from Bangalore and Mysore participated who took part in a day-long seminar that provided a platform to discuss and deliberate on the concerns on ICT and its efficacy in education and sustainable development.
Young minds, corporates exchanged their views, ideas and lessons learnt here was of the IT’s role as of now which is into informal education was highlighted in the seminar. Experts shared their visions and spoke about the concepts and role of ICT in enhancing education for sustainable development. Prominent stakeholders who took part in seminar showcased the prominence and relevance of ICT in projects and programmes undertaken by governments, corporates and NGOs. Mr. V S Prakash, Director, Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre speaking on the occasion said, “IT plays a very important role in advancing education for sustainable development. IT helps in increasing access to educational material, thereby spreading awareness about sustainability and emphasising its significance.”
Speaking on the occasion, Ranjana Saikia, Director, Educating Youth for Sustainable Development, TERI said, “The seminar provides a platform for students and teachers to share information and ideas across disciplines. Education for sustainable development is not only related to education, environment, economy, and society, it also looks at skills, perspectives, and values that guide and motivate people to look, work and live in a more sustainable world.”
While the one day seminar held yesterday focused on policymakers, educators and students who took part, while in the seminar the importance of education for sustainable development, concepts and role of ICT and ESD, the role of the stakeholders’ at state level in ICT and ESD, was dealt.
Role of ICT in the formal as well as non-formal sectors, showcasing importance and relevance of ICT in projects and programmes undertaken by governments, corporates, and NGOs and showcasing government, bilateral, multilateral initiatives and programmes wherein ICT has helped in creating awareness, changing mindsets, influencing lives and providing access, topics related to education, environment, economy, and society, skills, perspectives, and values that guide and motivate people to look, work and live in a more sustainable world.
Facilitate interaction and cooperation between state level stakeholders on ESD; Showcase the importance and relevance of ICT in formal and non-formal education; Bridging the gap between existing ICT knowledge and its practical efficacy and relevance.
Seminar focused on the concepts and role of ICT and ESD, also discussed the role of the stakeholders’ at state level in ICT and ESD.
By showcasing government, bilateral, multilateral initiatives and programmes seminar discussed on ICT and how it helped in creating awareness, changing mindsets, influencing lives and providing access.
People present on the occasion were Dr. A N Prabhu Dev, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, Mr. Girish S, Senior Manager, Learning Links Foundation and Mr Rohan Mallick, Programme Officer, MYRADA V S Prakash, Director, Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre,
Mr. H S Ramarao, Director, Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT), Karnataka and Dr A N Prabhu Deva, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University discussed the concepts and role of ICT in education.