Eminent citizens of Bangalore petition Chief Minister seeking investigations into BBMP false bills scam
4th Estate
Taking note on the reports about the Rs.1,500 crores fake bills scam in BBMP, prominent citizens of Bangalore have a signed a petition urging Chief Minister Shri D.V.Sadananda Gowda to order an independent and time bound investigations into the reports of misappropriation through fake bills.
In their petition, it was noted that the allegations and blatant looting of BBMP are shocking – especially in the context of the city’s decline in basic services and standard of living for its residents being constantly justified as being due to lack of funds.
The petition also said Bangalore has suffered enough immensely and the time has come to clean up of our city of these vested interests that are like parasites living off the hard work of millions of honest and taxpaying citizens.
Prominent among those who signed the petition to save the city are veteran freedom fighter Shri H S Doraiswamy, Mr. A.T.Ramaswamy, Rashtrakavi Dr GS Shivarudrappa, Dr UR Ananth Murthy, leading social worker Dr Ruth Manorama of Women’s Voice, Padma Shree Smt Anita Reddy of AVAS, Dr. Ashwin Mahesh, Mr RK Misra.
Other leading activists who joined hands seeking investigations against BBMP include Dr Meenakshi Bharath, Dr Shankar Prasad of Sampoorna Swaraj Foundation, RTI activist Mr JSD Pani, politicians such as Mr Krishna, former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly and Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament.
Several organizations who signed the petition include Public Affairs Centre, Swabhimana, Association for Voluntary Action and Service (AVAS), Consumer Rights Education and Awareness Trust (CREAT), Consumer Care Society, Karuna Trust, National Federation of Indian Women, Mahiti Hakku Jagruti Vedike, Mahiti Hakku Adhyayana Kendra, Brashtachara Virodhi Ranga, Jayaprakash Narayan Vichara Vedike, Fight Corruption NOW Forum, Consumer Rights Education and Awareness Trust, TRUTH and Corruption SAAKU.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Gender News
Transgender have something to feel happy about
4th Estate
When trans genders are looking to find solace, help them in empowerment, it is Initiatives for Development Foundation (IDF) who have come to their empowerment.
“IDF stands on empowerment of the underprivileged, but the most humanitarian work carried by IDF of late need mention as to transgender, and help IDF sought from Sangama and Samara who helped in identifying this transgender.
“We sought the help of Sangama and Samara in identifying the transgenders, numbering around 2,000 (rough estimate) in Bangalore city whose main resort of the work being begging and offering sexual service and see that they get empowered either through various program under IDF” said M.S Govinda Rajan project executive IDF said.
When asked with Rajan about how IDF has come to help of this transgender he said “ IDF under various program outlined for the transgender is trying to educate the transgender, also giving them training on the cooking, catering helping them set up hotels,
“Provide them skills so that see that they are employed in garment factory, and those interested to get self employed provide them financial help they will be helped in providing loan through microfinance institution, as of now we have provided to some 200 families this loan under IDF microfinance institutions services”.
Sangama and Samara role in upliftment of transgender
While government is known for making promise, they have never kept the promise so far in anything, but we have identified some of this transgender.
It is Samara by itself though, aimed to identify itself, while Sangama fought for rights of transgenders, Samara is for ensuring better health, ensuring in educating the transgender.
“What is the best way to help them this transgender and in Samara we identified those who are needing health based help and counseling.
“The sexual counseling and educations is the key for this transgender community who are in one way or the other are afflicted by sexual transmitted disease, so what we have tried in is we provide them contraceptive to prevent any disease that they will be afflicted if they don’t care.
“Our efforts are also directed at educating the transgender who are numbering around 20,000 in Karnataka State, we also want to provide them legal counseling when they are caught in any embroiligo” said Ms Eluthivai Manohar Director Samara.
Ms Manohar on the government efforts towards transgender “We transgender are hardly been recognized, we asked some of the things to be set right by government that is getting us listed under BC1(A) category, where we could have claimed for some privileges, usually claimed by backward communities.
“But what about the other promise made by government that those above 40 years in and being transgender they will be given Rs 400, but is it is hardly reached this transgender?
But then coming to loan they said loan will be provided to them, if we approach, but then when we approach, they said no loan for transgenders is no where reaching..
4th Estate
When trans genders are looking to find solace, help them in empowerment, it is Initiatives for Development Foundation (IDF) who have come to their empowerment.
“IDF stands on empowerment of the underprivileged, but the most humanitarian work carried by IDF of late need mention as to transgender, and help IDF sought from Sangama and Samara who helped in identifying this transgender.
“We sought the help of Sangama and Samara in identifying the transgenders, numbering around 2,000 (rough estimate) in Bangalore city whose main resort of the work being begging and offering sexual service and see that they get empowered either through various program under IDF” said M.S Govinda Rajan project executive IDF said.
When asked with Rajan about how IDF has come to help of this transgender he said “ IDF under various program outlined for the transgender is trying to educate the transgender, also giving them training on the cooking, catering helping them set up hotels,
“Provide them skills so that see that they are employed in garment factory, and those interested to get self employed provide them financial help they will be helped in providing loan through microfinance institution, as of now we have provided to some 200 families this loan under IDF microfinance institutions services”.
Sangama and Samara role in upliftment of transgender
While government is known for making promise, they have never kept the promise so far in anything, but we have identified some of this transgender.
It is Samara by itself though, aimed to identify itself, while Sangama fought for rights of transgenders, Samara is for ensuring better health, ensuring in educating the transgender.
“What is the best way to help them this transgender and in Samara we identified those who are needing health based help and counseling.
“The sexual counseling and educations is the key for this transgender community who are in one way or the other are afflicted by sexual transmitted disease, so what we have tried in is we provide them contraceptive to prevent any disease that they will be afflicted if they don’t care.
“Our efforts are also directed at educating the transgender who are numbering around 20,000 in Karnataka State, we also want to provide them legal counseling when they are caught in any embroiligo” said Ms Eluthivai Manohar Director Samara.
Ms Manohar on the government efforts towards transgender “We transgender are hardly been recognized, we asked some of the things to be set right by government that is getting us listed under BC1(A) category, where we could have claimed for some privileges, usually claimed by backward communities.
“But what about the other promise made by government that those above 40 years in and being transgender they will be given Rs 400, but is it is hardly reached this transgender?
But then coming to loan they said loan will be provided to them, if we approach, but then when we approach, they said no loan for transgenders is no where reaching..
City News-City Issues
Thinking of setting right of urban environment, citizen participation is a must : YS Yellappa Reddy
Environmentalist and Chief Advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee chairman YS Yellappa Reddy, also former IFS officer, speaking on the occasion of improving ‘Urban Environment in the city’
4th Estate
Yellappa Reddy having initiated various activities regarding to improving urban space in the city regarding parks and open spaces, natural valleys, lakes, roadside tree planting,, growing natural plants, green belt, reduction of air and noise pollution, in the city.
According to Reddy while master plan for the city provide for 10% space to be allocated for parks, what is available is only 7.5%, while BBMP parks are left unattended as to maintenance of cleaning.
Reddy said “those person in the surrounding area wherein the locality park is there must take initiative and through group or community initiative they must take up it maintenance, parks are required for people to walk, jog, and exercise.
When asked about the proposed idea suggested as advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee about proposed park development taking into consideration of most of park being neglected
Reddy answered “to be simple, I am not suggesting large parks but small parks mostly ‘tree parks’ which I initiated to be in Bangalore University campus, when I was Chief Advisor to Bangalore University , these tree park all came because some in NSS volunteered to have such park.
Reddy proposed to say parks must remain as parks, while children play there is need of playground for children, while law say’s that in each area minimum of five acres must remain as playground area, for children in age group of 6-14 years in for the physical development, when they need to play and go merry around.
But see what is happening ? poor childrens they are playing in roads, vacant spaces and terraces, so when urban infrastructure is well planned playground should be well considered.
Bangalore previously known for good number of lakes with 144 lakes in BBMP area, in the green belt of Bangalore metropolitan area, there are 81 live tanks and 262 lakes, as of now these lakes need to be improved to charge ground water and to improve environment.
While most of the sewage is diverted to the lakes which may or may not be in low lying, as part of initiative and being advisor, which I have suggested to Lake development authority that is under ‘unique water system’ sewage must be treated and then left to recharge for lakes, with ground acquifiers then this must supplied to localities, as time passes ground water level may soon be depleted.
Reddy said “that all resident building apartment, there is need to make mandatory for them to use only recharged, recycled water sourced through lakes, by this people will care for lakes.
“While there is heap of garbage disposal, in tons which most being devoured , sometimes unattended, huge task is left to clean up which you can and neighbours always coming with complaint one idea which apartment dwellers in Diamond district of HAL have been following for quite sometime is really astounding.
These dwellers who are known for deep civic sense segregate the disposal, by these much of the work and cost which goes in later segregation will be avoided and the women who involve in segregation are earning Rs 7,000/ to Rs.8,000 per month.
As these are segregated under defined parameters, plastic and other goes for recycling by which percentage of income is generated and used by apartment dwellers, these is one of good example of civic participation.
When asked about any similar urban initiative taken in any district of the state Reddy said “ last week I happened to attend one Lok Adalat in Mysore for which I am member, where district commissioner, CEO took part, we called on official to initiate similar waste disposal measures, sewage treatment.
We members of the Lok adalat said if any authorities within your jurisdiction never pay heed whether you don’t act , people have complained to us , right is there to file affidavit in high court under Article -40 and 21 where anybody can get justice under right to life, good hygiene.
Environmentalist and Chief Advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee chairman YS Yellappa Reddy, also former IFS officer, speaking on the occasion of improving ‘Urban Environment in the city’
4th Estate
Yellappa Reddy having initiated various activities regarding to improving urban space in the city regarding parks and open spaces, natural valleys, lakes, roadside tree planting,, growing natural plants, green belt, reduction of air and noise pollution, in the city.
According to Reddy while master plan for the city provide for 10% space to be allocated for parks, what is available is only 7.5%, while BBMP parks are left unattended as to maintenance of cleaning.
Reddy said “those person in the surrounding area wherein the locality park is there must take initiative and through group or community initiative they must take up it maintenance, parks are required for people to walk, jog, and exercise.
When asked about the proposed idea suggested as advisor to Chief Minister Vision Committee about proposed park development taking into consideration of most of park being neglected
Reddy answered “to be simple, I am not suggesting large parks but small parks mostly ‘tree parks’ which I initiated to be in Bangalore University campus, when I was Chief Advisor to Bangalore University , these tree park all came because some in NSS volunteered to have such park.
Reddy proposed to say parks must remain as parks, while children play there is need of playground for children, while law say’s that in each area minimum of five acres must remain as playground area, for children in age group of 6-14 years in for the physical development, when they need to play and go merry around.
But see what is happening ? poor childrens they are playing in roads, vacant spaces and terraces, so when urban infrastructure is well planned playground should be well considered.
Bangalore previously known for good number of lakes with 144 lakes in BBMP area, in the green belt of Bangalore metropolitan area, there are 81 live tanks and 262 lakes, as of now these lakes need to be improved to charge ground water and to improve environment.
While most of the sewage is diverted to the lakes which may or may not be in low lying, as part of initiative and being advisor, which I have suggested to Lake development authority that is under ‘unique water system’ sewage must be treated and then left to recharge for lakes, with ground acquifiers then this must supplied to localities, as time passes ground water level may soon be depleted.
Reddy said “that all resident building apartment, there is need to make mandatory for them to use only recharged, recycled water sourced through lakes, by this people will care for lakes.
“While there is heap of garbage disposal, in tons which most being devoured , sometimes unattended, huge task is left to clean up which you can and neighbours always coming with complaint one idea which apartment dwellers in Diamond district of HAL have been following for quite sometime is really astounding.
These dwellers who are known for deep civic sense segregate the disposal, by these much of the work and cost which goes in later segregation will be avoided and the women who involve in segregation are earning Rs 7,000/ to Rs.8,000 per month.
As these are segregated under defined parameters, plastic and other goes for recycling by which percentage of income is generated and used by apartment dwellers, these is one of good example of civic participation.
When asked about any similar urban initiative taken in any district of the state Reddy said “ last week I happened to attend one Lok Adalat in Mysore for which I am member, where district commissioner, CEO took part, we called on official to initiate similar waste disposal measures, sewage treatment.
We members of the Lok adalat said if any authorities within your jurisdiction never pay heed whether you don’t act , people have complained to us , right is there to file affidavit in high court under Article -40 and 21 where anybody can get justice under right to life, good hygiene.
Now it is Metro for Bangaloreans but get set for a joy ride in cable way very shortly.
There is plan proposal with government to introduce cable way or rope way as efficient alternative public transportation system in Banngalore says Prof N. Sreehari Advisor to government on transportation, infrastructure, traffic
4th Estate
Teta –A Tete with M.N Sreehari advisor to government of Karnataka on traffic, transportation and infrastructure also CEO of the Consortia of Infrastructure Engineers, Bangalore on his views and vision for Bangalore city as regard to placing efficient public transportation, infrastructure for the city.
What are the area which need to be taken up where administrators for the Bangalore city have neglected? Which you as advisor to the government in area of traffic, transportation and infrastructure do suggest for improvement?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Administrators and planners should focus on infrastructure development like transport, power, water, buildings etc, as is has been neglected since long time, though always they claim that they have taken care. Perhaps this development will lead Bangalore to compete globally and emerge as leading city of the world.
Will mass rapid transport system like metro, and public transport services will help to reduce traffic congestion, traffic woes?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Bangalore city requires multi modal integrated sustainable transport to meet the transport demand and supply.
In this direction, Metro, Mono, Light rail transit, Commuter rail, high capacity buses on dedicated lanes, high speed rail etc, are some of the modes which will have to be integrated so as to meet the present and future transportation requirement.
Together with this to relieve the congestion, road pricing congestion tax will have to be introduced in CBD areas except for mass transport system. One has to see the futuristic transport system with innovative technologies and alternate fuel run vehicles as conventional fuel get exhausted in the year 2040
How can the city been taken next level of being called itself ‘ fastest eco-friendly city of the 21st century’ how can this be achieved?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Considering pollution as the big threat to health perspective of road user and citizen, there is a need to look beyond for a type of vehicle which occupy less space, environmental and eco friendly higher capacity faster and safe transport system for this century as well as for the coming years.
How do you rate the attitude of people of the city, whether it need to be changed, this is with regard to apathy on the major segment of population clearly seen, with common people demanding best service but not complaining?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Whatever system introduced it is to be noted that is for the public and the society.
Until and unless, public are well aware and the know the responsibilities to take it forward, then only the desired goal can be achieved.
In Bangalore, most of the traffic violations are made by educated people which in turn responsible for collecting Rs 38 crores as fines. It is very important that road user must follow traffic rules, regulation irrespective of the time frame (day or night).
According to experts in urban planning or so called urban managers push and pull being the main factor for much of the inflow of people from many places to city like Bangalore has created chaos, just give your view?
Prof M.N Sreehari :It is believed that about 5-8 lakh people come to Bangalore city daily either for business or any other kind of activities and add up to Bangalore already existing population.
However no one will deny that, if push from village or smaller towns to city like Bangalore has to stemmed, administrators, politicians, even entrepreneur must create opportunities for the youth, the educated and, if there are uneducated youth for them also.
So better one should not complain about chaos, instead must find how this chaos evolved, originated and see that it is set right.
What is the new mode of transport do you suggest for the city if there are alternative other than bus service, metro, is there any likelihood of you suggesting government to introduce mono rail ? Your views on that?
Prof M.N Sreehari: While suggestion has come to introduce mono rail, government is still thinking of it, whether to introduce it or not, probably if they introduce it is only in few destination, but not sure about it.
But I have suggested government to introduce cable way, probably as alternative to public transportation like bus service, metro, and the plans and papers are with government to introduce cable way.
And according to our plan proposal submitted to government initially cable way will be introduced in Old airport road, West of Cord road, Bannerghatta road, and Kanakapura road.
As of now the cost of introducing it for just 1 km is Rs 20 crore, if the rope way or cable way under the very same MISTER-PRT technology USA if it wanted to be introduced.
But one thing is assured compared to any other public transportation such as metro or monorail, the time gap to finish of laying down of pin and rope will not be more than 3 months if you consider for just 10 kms of laying it.
It is the most efficient means of carrying people with 10 carriageway where at one time more than 700 to 1000 people can be carried , environmentally friendly with present traffic chaos it is best option with interconnectivity best established linking shopping places, airport,
The cable way popularly known as Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on Elevated Rail (MISTER), MISTER popularly known has been successful in Poland, it has been successfully operating in Poland in the city of Opole .
Sreehari said “During my last visit to the Opole city, MISTER Public Rapid Transport (PRT) MISTER -PRT the company which has derived the very name under MISTER-PRT has taken interest to introduce the same service in developing countries like India.
So it is thought by me why not suggest asking government in Karnataka to be introduced the same service in city like Bangalore.
There is plan proposal with government to introduce cable way or rope way as efficient alternative public transportation system in Banngalore says Prof N. Sreehari Advisor to government on transportation, infrastructure, traffic
4th Estate
Teta –A Tete with M.N Sreehari advisor to government of Karnataka on traffic, transportation and infrastructure also CEO of the Consortia of Infrastructure Engineers, Bangalore on his views and vision for Bangalore city as regard to placing efficient public transportation, infrastructure for the city.
What are the area which need to be taken up where administrators for the Bangalore city have neglected? Which you as advisor to the government in area of traffic, transportation and infrastructure do suggest for improvement?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Administrators and planners should focus on infrastructure development like transport, power, water, buildings etc, as is has been neglected since long time, though always they claim that they have taken care. Perhaps this development will lead Bangalore to compete globally and emerge as leading city of the world.
Will mass rapid transport system like metro, and public transport services will help to reduce traffic congestion, traffic woes?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Bangalore city requires multi modal integrated sustainable transport to meet the transport demand and supply.
In this direction, Metro, Mono, Light rail transit, Commuter rail, high capacity buses on dedicated lanes, high speed rail etc, are some of the modes which will have to be integrated so as to meet the present and future transportation requirement.
Together with this to relieve the congestion, road pricing congestion tax will have to be introduced in CBD areas except for mass transport system. One has to see the futuristic transport system with innovative technologies and alternate fuel run vehicles as conventional fuel get exhausted in the year 2040
How can the city been taken next level of being called itself ‘ fastest eco-friendly city of the 21st century’ how can this be achieved?
Prof M.N Sreehari; Considering pollution as the big threat to health perspective of road user and citizen, there is a need to look beyond for a type of vehicle which occupy less space, environmental and eco friendly higher capacity faster and safe transport system for this century as well as for the coming years.
How do you rate the attitude of people of the city, whether it need to be changed, this is with regard to apathy on the major segment of population clearly seen, with common people demanding best service but not complaining?
Prof M.N Sreehari: Whatever system introduced it is to be noted that is for the public and the society.
Until and unless, public are well aware and the know the responsibilities to take it forward, then only the desired goal can be achieved.
In Bangalore, most of the traffic violations are made by educated people which in turn responsible for collecting Rs 38 crores as fines. It is very important that road user must follow traffic rules, regulation irrespective of the time frame (day or night).
According to experts in urban planning or so called urban managers push and pull being the main factor for much of the inflow of people from many places to city like Bangalore has created chaos, just give your view?
Prof M.N Sreehari :It is believed that about 5-8 lakh people come to Bangalore city daily either for business or any other kind of activities and add up to Bangalore already existing population.
However no one will deny that, if push from village or smaller towns to city like Bangalore has to stemmed, administrators, politicians, even entrepreneur must create opportunities for the youth, the educated and, if there are uneducated youth for them also.
So better one should not complain about chaos, instead must find how this chaos evolved, originated and see that it is set right.
What is the new mode of transport do you suggest for the city if there are alternative other than bus service, metro, is there any likelihood of you suggesting government to introduce mono rail ? Your views on that?
Prof M.N Sreehari: While suggestion has come to introduce mono rail, government is still thinking of it, whether to introduce it or not, probably if they introduce it is only in few destination, but not sure about it.
But I have suggested government to introduce cable way, probably as alternative to public transportation like bus service, metro, and the plans and papers are with government to introduce cable way.
And according to our plan proposal submitted to government initially cable way will be introduced in Old airport road, West of Cord road, Bannerghatta road, and Kanakapura road.
As of now the cost of introducing it for just 1 km is Rs 20 crore, if the rope way or cable way under the very same MISTER-PRT technology USA if it wanted to be introduced.
But one thing is assured compared to any other public transportation such as metro or monorail, the time gap to finish of laying down of pin and rope will not be more than 3 months if you consider for just 10 kms of laying it.
It is the most efficient means of carrying people with 10 carriageway where at one time more than 700 to 1000 people can be carried , environmentally friendly with present traffic chaos it is best option with interconnectivity best established linking shopping places, airport,
The cable way popularly known as Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on Elevated Rail (MISTER), MISTER popularly known has been successful in Poland, it has been successfully operating in Poland in the city of Opole .
Sreehari said “During my last visit to the Opole city, MISTER Public Rapid Transport (PRT) MISTER -PRT the company which has derived the very name under MISTER-PRT has taken interest to introduce the same service in developing countries like India.
So it is thought by me why not suggest asking government in Karnataka to be introduced the same service in city like Bangalore.
City News
Need to recharge ground water in Bangalore, water pollution is also concern
High level of water pollution and less area for water percolation is not favourable as to draw water from ground says a study carried by A.K Farooqui senior scientist at Central Water Board Commission, New Delhi
4th Estate
Farooqui who carried this taking help of BWSSB from 1996 till 2009 has given detail account to BWSSB, about what need to be taken in consideration as to restore and rejuvenate ground water in the city, with city needing to address shortage of water issue.
Farooqui in his study titled “Municipal waste disposal practices and their impact on ground water in Bangalore Metropolitan region” says “due to faulty disposal of municipal waste, non scientific nature of collection of this municipal waste, the ground water in the study area is getting polluted.
“What is the most concern is of highest concentration of nitrate with their content in ground water being at 554 mg/l, and it is known high concentration of nitrate being threat to human health causing Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, so good municipal waste collection and disposal management factor need to be taken by BBMP.
“However very-high pollution vulnerability category areas is seen in eastern half of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and Low pollution vulnerability areas are predominant in western and southern parts of Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
“The most striking aspect of the study of ground water also gives a note that even over exploitation of ground water beyond the excessible permit is worrying, it has to be seen how to recharge the ground water table.
This study was carried using Geographic Information System(GIS) ,and after which only Pollution Vulnerability Map and Zones were brought out for water body in the central, state government and public to see, and take future course of action.
However in making study Correlation Matrix factors different weightages, implying correctness of the data used and procedure followed, were carefully considered.
Though city receive 900 mm annual rainfall, rainfall pattern varies from a high of over 180 mm in October to less than 10mm in January, the heavy dependence of ground water, also having already drawn the water beyond the permissible limit, through dug well and bore wells.
On the other hand at lesser rate at which the ground water is recharging, is not positive sign for resident of the city, so what is the way out to recharge has to be looked out, with concrete on the ground, high rise building, with major part of the ground being occupied with this, where is the space for water to percolate to lower level ground water table, to recharge?
Farooqui though he has laid out few of workable solutions, and action plan is ready, to be submitted to BWSSB, this is what he has to say about the course of action water administration, supply distribution and policy making and management body in the state has to take into consideration.
And this are listed under 11 points
1. Water quality monitoring network should be strengthened and the data should be made available on the website. Important “factors” for quality may be derived to opt for preventive measures.
2. Recycling of sewage water should be encouraged for using non-domestic purposes and the slur can be used as manure.
3. The Land-fills and dumping sites should not be located in high vulnerability areas.
4. In the name of developmental activity, no water bodies should be utilized for any other purpose.
5. It is suggested to identify the small and tiny water bodies on 1:25,000 scale maps and these small and tiny water bodies should be utilized for artificial recharge to ground water system.
6. The existing dry dug wells and bore wells may also be used for diluting the Nitrate pollution.
7. The sewage should be collected and treated properly before letting it out into the drainage system, as it is going to pollute the less vulnerable areas to a maximum extent.
8. Leakage through sewer pipes should be controlled effectively. The quality of well waters in use should be checked periodically for chemical as well as bacteriological parameters.
9. Building byelaws should be suitably modified to include roof top rainwater harvesting in the house plan and it should be made mandatory to use tertiary treated water for non-potable purposes.
10. Attempts should be made to stop dug wells being used as dust bins to control pollution through this mode. Certain lakes should be utilized for rainwater harvesting and to recharge ground water system only.
11. Preventing pollution in urban areas is a public relations task also and hence, there is a need to educate people about proper waste disposal practices. Mass awareness programmes involving NGO groups and through print and electronic media will be very effective to get the message across.
High level of water pollution and less area for water percolation is not favourable as to draw water from ground says a study carried by A.K Farooqui senior scientist at Central Water Board Commission, New Delhi
4th Estate
Farooqui who carried this taking help of BWSSB from 1996 till 2009 has given detail account to BWSSB, about what need to be taken in consideration as to restore and rejuvenate ground water in the city, with city needing to address shortage of water issue.
Farooqui in his study titled “Municipal waste disposal practices and their impact on ground water in Bangalore Metropolitan region” says “due to faulty disposal of municipal waste, non scientific nature of collection of this municipal waste, the ground water in the study area is getting polluted.
“What is the most concern is of highest concentration of nitrate with their content in ground water being at 554 mg/l, and it is known high concentration of nitrate being threat to human health causing Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, so good municipal waste collection and disposal management factor need to be taken by BBMP.
“However very-high pollution vulnerability category areas is seen in eastern half of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and Low pollution vulnerability areas are predominant in western and southern parts of Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
“The most striking aspect of the study of ground water also gives a note that even over exploitation of ground water beyond the excessible permit is worrying, it has to be seen how to recharge the ground water table.
This study was carried using Geographic Information System(GIS) ,and after which only Pollution Vulnerability Map and Zones were brought out for water body in the central, state government and public to see, and take future course of action.
However in making study Correlation Matrix factors different weightages, implying correctness of the data used and procedure followed, were carefully considered.
Though city receive 900 mm annual rainfall, rainfall pattern varies from a high of over 180 mm in October to less than 10mm in January, the heavy dependence of ground water, also having already drawn the water beyond the permissible limit, through dug well and bore wells.
On the other hand at lesser rate at which the ground water is recharging, is not positive sign for resident of the city, so what is the way out to recharge has to be looked out, with concrete on the ground, high rise building, with major part of the ground being occupied with this, where is the space for water to percolate to lower level ground water table, to recharge?
Farooqui though he has laid out few of workable solutions, and action plan is ready, to be submitted to BWSSB, this is what he has to say about the course of action water administration, supply distribution and policy making and management body in the state has to take into consideration.
And this are listed under 11 points
1. Water quality monitoring network should be strengthened and the data should be made available on the website. Important “factors” for quality may be derived to opt for preventive measures.
2. Recycling of sewage water should be encouraged for using non-domestic purposes and the slur can be used as manure.
3. The Land-fills and dumping sites should not be located in high vulnerability areas.
4. In the name of developmental activity, no water bodies should be utilized for any other purpose.
5. It is suggested to identify the small and tiny water bodies on 1:25,000 scale maps and these small and tiny water bodies should be utilized for artificial recharge to ground water system.
6. The existing dry dug wells and bore wells may also be used for diluting the Nitrate pollution.
7. The sewage should be collected and treated properly before letting it out into the drainage system, as it is going to pollute the less vulnerable areas to a maximum extent.
8. Leakage through sewer pipes should be controlled effectively. The quality of well waters in use should be checked periodically for chemical as well as bacteriological parameters.
9. Building byelaws should be suitably modified to include roof top rainwater harvesting in the house plan and it should be made mandatory to use tertiary treated water for non-potable purposes.
10. Attempts should be made to stop dug wells being used as dust bins to control pollution through this mode. Certain lakes should be utilized for rainwater harvesting and to recharge ground water system only.
11. Preventing pollution in urban areas is a public relations task also and hence, there is a need to educate people about proper waste disposal practices. Mass awareness programmes involving NGO groups and through print and electronic media will be very effective to get the message across.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Fine Art News
Paintings highlighting the ills committed by human society
4th Estate
It is not ordinary paintings if it is looked from today’s societal context and his painting highlight about the issue raging the contemporary global society in which we everyone are part of it
Muralidahr V.Rathod acclaimed illustrator, cartoonist, and designer, and now painter who has reputation of having worked in major newspaper like Prajavani, Udayavani, Kannada Times and Vikranth Karnataka and gained enough insights on whole lot of contemporary art forms

4th Estate
It is not ordinary paintings if it is looked from today’s societal context and his painting highlight about the issue raging the contemporary global society in which we everyone are part of it
Muralidahr V.Rathod acclaimed illustrator, cartoonist, and designer, and now painter who has reputation of having worked in major newspaper like Prajavani, Udayavani, Kannada Times and Vikranth Karnataka and gained enough insights on whole lot of contemporary art forms

Rathod paintings exhibited at Venkatappa Art Galllery under the title “Headlines Once Again” last week had it all for every art lovers to see it take it global warming, the traffic hazards seen in present cities of the world, sins the man commits and continue to do so.
Also of replica of holy scripture each religion uses to unleash terror and exercise authority at different level, forcibly using religion to achieve the hidden objective.
Rathod explaining about his art bemoaning said “the art work he has engaged in giving it a shape and see that art explains the ills of present society the paintings as a whole is work that has been the labour of two years”
“Any art be it painting or sculpture has certain things as subject on which the art has been in place” he explained taking around the visitors in the exhibition gallery, of many visitors at the gallery I was one of them.
On the contemporary art which his paintings has mostly been most part has gained primordial importance for sole reason of it highlighting the “ills raging our society” and his paintings has one colour most dominantly see that is red and because there is “violent images,” and here colour red is rightly used.

Painting on “global warming” under his masterful hand work reflect both globalization and global warming both, the dark backdrop in his each of painting represent the gloom brought about by global warming.
The skeleton of the fish and burning globe above suggest the impact of destruction and the violence unleashed upon the world from several directions.
Then horrific tale of violence in which child is found suspended in the air under the globe in one of paintings on canvas reminds us of breast of a mother which has seized to be a life giving source.
There were many paintings of the Rathod on global warming like dream like backdrop where a child moving towards twin images resembling breasts held by clips and clips representing the two different faces of woman, this paintings suggest chasm existing between child and mother earth which is controlled by the invisible forces, and union between the two seems to remain a mirage.
His paintings on crime where homeless boy with African and Indian features holding a slate in his hands reflects the agony and helplessness of the orphans all over the world, and strange determination on the boy’s face which represent the rage of the millions of helpless children across the globe.
One single painting on traffic attempts to portray the symbolic representation of the woman’s body and miserable state of sex workers life.
Of many paintings on the “sins committed by humanity” there is use of methapor of primordial sin of Adam and Eve with ironical tone have made a creative use of different positions of the hand to capture two different dimensions of power.
Also Rathod paintings on “sins committed by humanity” in one of the paintings there is one particular feature that is human hand being source of destruction, it is seen in this paintings where a person in his hand is holding not the pen but missile of destruction in signing the declaration.
There is blood spill, not the ink, this paintings is referred to rulers who in the name of signing the declaration of arms exchange treaty, by signing the very agreement, the paintings reminds to the observer that the rulers are taking the whole humanity towards destruction and pain.
Also of replica of holy scripture each religion uses to unleash terror and exercise authority at different level, forcibly using religion to achieve the hidden objective.
Rathod explaining about his art bemoaning said “the art work he has engaged in giving it a shape and see that art explains the ills of present society the paintings as a whole is work that has been the labour of two years”
“Any art be it painting or sculpture has certain things as subject on which the art has been in place” he explained taking around the visitors in the exhibition gallery, of many visitors at the gallery I was one of them.
On the contemporary art which his paintings has mostly been most part has gained primordial importance for sole reason of it highlighting the “ills raging our society” and his paintings has one colour most dominantly see that is red and because there is “violent images,” and here colour red is rightly used.

Painting on “global warming” under his masterful hand work reflect both globalization and global warming both, the dark backdrop in his each of painting represent the gloom brought about by global warming.
The skeleton of the fish and burning globe above suggest the impact of destruction and the violence unleashed upon the world from several directions.
Then horrific tale of violence in which child is found suspended in the air under the globe in one of paintings on canvas reminds us of breast of a mother which has seized to be a life giving source.
There were many paintings of the Rathod on global warming like dream like backdrop where a child moving towards twin images resembling breasts held by clips and clips representing the two different faces of woman, this paintings suggest chasm existing between child and mother earth which is controlled by the invisible forces, and union between the two seems to remain a mirage.
His paintings on crime where homeless boy with African and Indian features holding a slate in his hands reflects the agony and helplessness of the orphans all over the world, and strange determination on the boy’s face which represent the rage of the millions of helpless children across the globe.
One single painting on traffic attempts to portray the symbolic representation of the woman’s body and miserable state of sex workers life.
Of many paintings on the “sins committed by humanity” there is use of methapor of primordial sin of Adam and Eve with ironical tone have made a creative use of different positions of the hand to capture two different dimensions of power.
Also Rathod paintings on “sins committed by humanity” in one of the paintings there is one particular feature that is human hand being source of destruction, it is seen in this paintings where a person in his hand is holding not the pen but missile of destruction in signing the declaration.
There is blood spill, not the ink, this paintings is referred to rulers who in the name of signing the declaration of arms exchange treaty, by signing the very agreement, the paintings reminds to the observer that the rulers are taking the whole humanity towards destruction and pain.
Of his many paintings there is two of the sculpture part of Rathod exhibition, one is female mannequin wrapped with electric wire, this sculpture in mannequin form suggest that human body is imbibed with energy with enough energy, and much is generated.
This mannequin is “experimentation tried where modern scientist reasearcehr technologist would experiment with and I tried to experiment in my art form” is what Rathod said when asked
And “Save Me” child dumped in the garbage crying manifest on the deep moral fallacy, the neglect of the child and ignorance the mother who is not able to feed baby, because of hunger and not able to support herself
Also it suggest that women who had undergone abortion, just threw the child without considering the cost of life this is shown by Rathod by placing garbage and placing toy child, with blood lit.
This mannequin is “experimentation tried where modern scientist reasearcehr technologist would experiment with and I tried to experiment in my art form” is what Rathod said when asked
And “Save Me” child dumped in the garbage crying manifest on the deep moral fallacy, the neglect of the child and ignorance the mother who is not able to feed baby, because of hunger and not able to support herself
Also it suggest that women who had undergone abortion, just threw the child without considering the cost of life this is shown by Rathod by placing garbage and placing toy child, with blood lit.
Police News
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 India Presented "Knights of Khaki” Awards To 21 Police Personnel
4th Estate
December 19th 2011
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 in association with Raja Housing Limited presented "Knights of Khaki" awards to police personnel in the
City for their selfless service in the security of the society.
As many as 21 police personnel from all parts of Bangalore were presented with the "Knights in Khaki" award.
Bangalore city Police Commissioner Jyoti Prakash Mirji who presented the awards said that “such honour boosts the morale of the police peronnel and encourages them to serve the society better. The dedicated police personnel ensure that the society is free of
crime, he added.”
Bangalore Round Table India, National Secretary Treasurer T R Harish Shenoy who spoke on the occasion said that “Round Table India has been contributing its mite to the education. Industrialists below the age of 40 have been using their own resources to construct classrooms and provide other facilities in the area of education”.
Bangalore Round Table President 7 Chairman B. R Vishwas said that “the 21 police personnel, who were presented with awards worked selflessly even putting their lives in danger. The aim of Round Table is to honour more such police personnel in the future.
Joint Commissioner police, CAR B N S Reddy and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 Chairperson Kavitha Sridhar also were in the function.
4th Estate
December 19th 2011
Bangalore Round Table 7 and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 in association with Raja Housing Limited presented "Knights of Khaki" awards to police personnel in the

As many as 21 police personnel from all parts of Bangalore were presented with the "Knights in Khaki" award.
Bangalore city Police Commissioner Jyoti Prakash Mirji who presented the awards said that “such honour boosts the morale of the police peronnel and encourages them to serve the society better. The dedicated police personnel ensure that the society is free of

Bangalore Round Table India, National Secretary Treasurer T R Harish Shenoy who spoke on the occasion said that “Round Table India has been contributing its mite to the education. Industrialists below the age of 40 have been using their own resources to construct classrooms and provide other facilities in the area of education”.
Bangalore Round Table President 7 Chairman B. R Vishwas said that “the 21 police personnel, who were presented with awards worked selflessly even putting their lives in danger. The aim of Round Table is to honour more such police personnel in the future.
Joint Commissioner police, CAR B N S Reddy and Bangalore Ladies Circle 19 Chairperson Kavitha Sridhar also were in the function.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
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